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Friday 13 August 2010

A triple whammy for Newlyn -despite the date!

Shaun Edwards, skipper of the Nova Spero with his 'Coruna' albacore tuna.
On the same day that the new Newlyn Harbour Commissioners took the hugely brave decision and voted to say no (by one vote) to 3.5 million pounds of grants and loans on offer for a new fish market - after 8 years and nearly 3 million pounds of fishermen's money had been spent on consultants' fees and feasibility studies - two environmentally friendly and sustainable fisheries championed by young Newlyn skippers and others get a real boost as the MSC give the thumbs up to Cornish Sardines and major supermarket chain Morrisons market the 'Coruna' brand of Cornish Albacore tuna - let's hope Quentin comes home with some for them!

Cornish Sardines from the ringnetter, Pride of Cornwall.

Back to the Commissioner's decision and the new fish-market-in-waiting:

What might seem to some an illogical decision by the new commissioners - turning down millions of pounds of funding for a new fish market - simply reflects their desire to start afresh, free from any encumbrances from the past - even if, at present, it might be hard to see that purely on financial terms with regard to the building of a new market. Instead, the commissioners have pledged to work closely with the fishermen and give them a market they say they need. The potential to maximise the potential of the harbour's assets by redeveloping existing harbour property and to expand its activities alongside fishing with educational and training facilities for fishing, commercial and leisure marine trades, heritage and art facilities, retail and other fish related businesses will all be considered by the new team.

The most welcome news is that in the last few weeks the new transparency with which the commissioners are operating has already set a precedent. With the public admitted to commissioner meetings, holding surgery style meetings open to any harbour users to attend and being involved in open and frank talks with them and a web site that publishes information and the minutes of meetings - all unheard of in the past - harbour users not only feel that they are now involved and have a say they can also can begin to develop faith and confidence in the new board and its intentions.

Evidence that the new broom is sweeping clean will be judged on results during this early honeymoon period for Gilbert McCabe and his fellow commissioners.

The press release from NHPC with regard to the decision taken on Friday to go ahead without the funding reads as follows:

Newlyn Pier & Harbour Commissioners
Friday, 13th August 2010

The Newlyn Pier & Harbour Commissioners met today and reaffirmed their commitment to drive forward the regeneration of Newlyn harbour as a matter of urgency. The Commission voted against "accepting the offers of grants from EFF and ERDF, and the offers in principle from Cornwall Council, to build the proposed new fish market".

This bold decision means we can now move forward, at a pace, without being tied to plans for a specific building, making creative use of our assets. This decision is based on nine weeks' work, since the new Commission came into being, using external specialists to appraise our financial health, as well as the current and potential value of our assets. We have determined that at this point we are not in a sufficiently strong position to commit to loan repayments over a period of 15 years that would tie our assets into that loan, leaving us little room to run the harbour as successfully as possible, or to address our other responsibilities. We are clear that we need to achieve our purposes differently and will continue to consult regularly with users of the harbour. We acknowledge the valuable work on regeneration proposals carried out by many people over previous years.

Gilbert McCabe, Chairman of the Commissioners, said 'we are very aware of the wishes of the wider community to see a new market built as the first stepping stone of regeneration; there is far less support from the fishing industry for the current proposal, but it also is looking for progress. We are resolved immediately to prepare a long-term business plan for the harbour that will have benefits for all stakeholders. That business plan will make clear how the Commissioners will deliver a fit-for-purpose market, and other community and stakeholder benefits, from a position of strength. It will also encompass plans to secure a viable future for the fishing industry and all its dependants, by seeking to run a successful harbour and market, and to develop the fishing industry in Newlyn'.

The priorities for the new Commissioners are to be transparent in how we conduct our business, to listen, to be visible and approachable: and to build a new future for Newlyn from a position of strength owned and understood by all. Our intention is to publish our business plan by Christmas, which will highlight to all members of the community our intention of achieving our goals in a more coherent and financially sustainable manner.

For further information, 
contact Andrew Munson, Harbour Master and Commissioner
01736 362523

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