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Monday 2 August 2010

Leonardo up on the bow.

Making ready with the bow rope as she come in through the gaps.....
the St Georges heads for a berth.......
under supervision.......
banding a lobster aboard the crabber Pen Glas......
after the boys make Royden's work easier by using the rubbish bins provided......
she's a long, sleek, high speed machine.......
this visiting yacht, Phenille is from the incredibly well sheltered port.....

of Lemvig in Denmark......
but it almost a flat calm in Newlyn this morning.....
with plenty of fish from the WS flagship.....
hiding from the sunlight......
are the WSSs' langoustine - no doubt the local fish shops will have them in their displays this week.....
typical mix of fish from an inshore line boat.....
and these red mullet are just the sort of thing shops like the Chelsea Fishmonger will be looking for.....
like father like son, is this another WS skipper in the making?

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