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Friday 9 July 2010

As reported in the Cornishman.

It seems the newly appointed harbour commissioners are being given a hard time from some - "New chiefs at harbour are blasted" - as reported and then commented on by the editor of the local paper, the Cornishman.

Despite a radical departure from previous practice - where commissioners' meetings were held in private, agendas and minutes almost impossible to get hold of - the new team have come under fire for excluding members of the public from all but the first fifteen minutes of meetings and the minutes are now freely available on the commissioners new web site

Given that eleven, including the chair and vice chair, of the new members have had to get up to speed at an alarming rate in order to get to grips with all that is at stake - with the new market proposals that have a deadline in August before the funding offer is withdrawn being one of many issues that need resolving - it might take a while for things to become even more transparent than they are already.

A look at this week's Fishing News, the industry's trade paper, has in in-depth article on Brixham's brand new fish market - the two ports match one another pretty closely in terms of income so it is not unreasonable to ask if Brixham can afford to invest £20 million pounds in modernising their fish market then surely Newlyn must be capable of finding matched funding to the tune of £1.2 million for its own £5 million pound project with ease? Currently, over £3 million pound's worth of fish from local boats is going away to Plymouth fish market - mainly because the boats feel they get a much better service from Plymouth - all of which will undoubtedly change if the Newlyn proposals go through.

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