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Thursday, 13 May 2010

The market for gilts - but not of the stocks and shares variety.

Little or no wind greeted the Bay this morning......
as the number (and size) of visiting yachts increases......
with the paint barely dry on the derrick.....
it's time to lift it back aboard.......
the Billy Rowney.......
astern, the scalloper Jacoba is in port about to put her dredges back in good order.....
after landing her catch to the waiting Scottish transport......
on the market the Irish presence manifests itself ...... with a good shot of hake......
and a big trip of quality fish from the seiner........
the western end of the market was full of net fish......

and a box of gilthead bream - much favoured by Roman epicureans of yore - from a small inshore boat.


Anonymous said...


Stan Olds said...

If Robert George saw us put hake on the market like those pins he'd cut off our testicles. We landed the best quality fish in europe. No arguments!

Anonymous said...
