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Monday 10 November 2008

CEFAS publications

As the winter nights draw in, pour yourself a hot toddy, sit in front of a roaring log fire and take the opportuntiy to do some background reading and research on the humble pilchard - here's a publication from CEFAS in 1966 - hot off the press!

Better still, does anyone have any stories or photos taken aboard PZ88, the Madeline, that was commssioned to undertake trials in 1961-63? Some things don't change - in those days the work was viewed with scepticism - for a short while:

"In addition to her main tasks of exploration and gear trials, MADELINE was also expected to search the traditional grounds when fish were scarce and to report any shoals found to the drifter fleet by radio. At first many drifters were reluctant to follow our advice, but after a few boats had made good shots from shoals located by MADELINE they answered the call so promptly that it was often difficult to get our own shot completed before the drifter fleet crowded us out."


Anonymous said...

I remember the Madeleine experiments, and if you think about it, the results justified the scepticism. I note the no of days at sea, not too bad. The Fishery Officer used to come to the quay to give them a good word. I was in the 'Our John' Summer 1961, fished well, and the 'Mayon Castle' Summer '63. That was about the last of it. We didn't have enough or good enough nets, & there were too few boats to search properly

Larry Hartwell - Through the Gaps said...

As you say, the number of days at sea was pretty good all things considered! Not having the correct gear is always an issue - maybe even relevant today - re the Alison Kay's research earlier this year (http://newlynharbour.co.uk/blog/2008/08/blog-post.html)