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Friday 24 October 2008

Fickle autumnal weather dogs the Mystery boys

"When the wind wouldn't blow the ship wouldn't go", so goes a line from an old rugby song. Sure enough, the Spirit of Mystery is being dogged by an awkward weather system at the moment. Looking at the tracking page on the Goss website you can see evidence of the lack of decent wind from their plots which remain fairly static over the last 24 hours. Worse still, a quick check on the forecast pages don't look good for making good any serious progress in a sou'westerly direction for at least three, if not four days!

You can see from the today's chart that there will be little in the way of wind (see Saturday) and, what wind there is, will likely be, 'variable' in direction. The +96 hour chart does hint at a northerly breeze which should at least allow them to make good a west-sou'-westerly course to clear the north coast of the land of bulls and paella.

This should give them plenty of time to investigate the chaffing in the rigging which, although not serious in itself, may give rise to problems in the future. In 1854, the crew aboard the Mystery would have enjoyed the benefit of sailing a boat with a myriad of minor modifications and finely-tuned adjustments to the rigging and general layout born of years of hard wear and tear from fishing.

Here's a handy website which gives the wind in 3-hourly shots over the next 48 hours for the Bay of Biscay - Pete has just updated his blog and sure enough the wind is fickle - let's hope Eliot finds his sea legs!


Anonymous said...

Also try PassageWeather.com gives reasonable conditions today if far enough south, something they may not wish to do! A dilema, must not smell the Piela. John Lees anon.

Larry Hartwell - Through the Gaps said...

Hi John
Not much change on the plots this morning, they must be getting very frustrated! By the way, lovely shot of yours as they cleared the gaps - I was unable to make it down when she left, an unavoidable rendevous with the day job!

Anonymous said...

Also try PassageWeather.com gives reasonable conditions today if far enough south, something they may not wish to do! A dilema, must not smell the Piela. John Lees anon.