In several continents around the world at the time gold fever had struck and the word spread. On November the 18th 1885, a handful of intrepid Newlyn Buccas talked themselves into seeking their share of the fortune to be had in Australia over a few beers in the Star Inn, in Newlyn - one of the more notable events after such discussions! Once underway, it will be possible to track the progress of the adventurers on their website and, unlike the Pete and his crew, know exactly where the boat is! Around Cornwall, dozens of kids involved in Pete Goss' Playing for Success project will no doubt be watching the progress of the boat as the trip unfolds.
The voyage has received much attention from the press, some of the better stories are from those who have at first hand tasted salt water on their lips in sharing the trying conditions of those that make their living by the sea. As Plato once said, "there are three sorts of men, the living, the dead, and those who go down to the sea".
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