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Monday 5 May 2008

Black Bank Holiday Monday

With the cost of fuel showing no sign of decreasing in the immediate future, the outlook for a large section of the home fleet has reached something of a crisis - to the point where it will be uneconomical for some vessels to go sea without the guarantee of a good catch. Some skippers and crews may well be considering their options over the Bank Holiday period.

For some in the fleet looking through the gaps, there are dark skies ahead .
At the other end of the scale, the mackerel fleet are being kept busy by a mixy run of fish....
and its good to see that there is still some young blood coming through, here Andrew Pasoce heads up the harbour with his boys aboard.....
the gulls always handy when the mackerel boats are about....
more bottom cleaning in fron of the harbour offices, the wed on the boats has seen prolific growth in the last few weeks...

another tosher heads in through the gaps while the Mount remains shrouded in the early morning fog bank.....
a good run of fish for some it seems....

after anding it's back to the pontoon berth.

1 comment:

Andrew Tognola said...

The thing that makes me seethingly angry is that there is no shortage of oil at the moment so the the traditional reason for price hikes does not exist . I was talking to a friend of mine who has a brother-in-law in the city who was telling him that the raw material price rises are not really a result of huge demand from India and China ,but City banks protecting their profits on their forward buying of commodities and that some how they can push prices up by manipulating the markets ,and thereby making huge profits instead of losses .
To back this up I read a small article in the Sunday Times that suggested this to be true !! .
I am no financial wizard so I do not fully undaerstand this ,but if it is true it goes to prove how little any of these powerful institutions care about the financial wefare of us ordinary people scratching around to make a decent living.
Basically they are morally bankrupt.

Regards : Andrew