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Wednesday 12 March 2014

Sinking coaster gets towed to St Austell Bay from off the Lizard.

A massive cargo vessel which started sinking 12 miles off the Lizard Peninsula yesterday has been towed to safety in St Austell Bay.

A salvage operation is set to get underway to help the save Barbados-registered Sea Breeze which got into difficulty and started taking on water yesterday morning.

Divers will assess the hull of the stricken ship this morning and a temporary magnetic repair patch will be fitted. A spokesman for the Maritime and Coastguard Agency said: "The Sea Breeze has been towed to St Austell Bay where repair work will take place to its damaged hull.

"Our surveyors will examine the cargo vessel to ensure it meets UK and international safety standards, once the repair work has been completed by the owners and operators ."

A meeting between the Maritime and Coastguard Agency, along with the Marine Accident Investigation Branch and other interested parties is due to take place later today to put together a salvage plan. The 87m long ship was transporting limestone from Liverpool to Shoreham when the engine room became flooded and malfunctioning pumps failed to clear the rising water. The crew, all Russian nationals, were rescued by lifeboat crews from the Lizard and Falmouth yesterday.

They were taken to the Mission to Seafarers in Falmouth where they were said to be in good health apart from a few cuts and grazes. Lizard and Falmouth RNLI Lifeboats and a rescue helicopter from RNAS Culdrose, near Helston, were all involved in the rescue operation.

The captain had remained on board to help with the salvage operation.

Read more: http://www.westernmorningnews.co.uk/Crew-rescued-sinking-ship-Lizard-Point/story-20785545-detail/story.html#ixzz2vdKodekI

Tuesday 11 March 2014

MFV Santa Ana sank near Cabo Peñas, Spain, 2 dead, 6 missing - #VIDEO

The fishing vessel Santa Ana sank near Cabo de Penas in Asturias, Spain overnight. Two crew members drowned and six more are missing of the nine people that were aboard. Santa Ana was Portuguese-flagged, fishing vessel with MMSI: 263457000, size 35 x 8m. The vessel steamed into a rock near Erbosa Island just minutes after departing from the port of Aviles to fish for mackerel.

Photo courtesy of VesselTracker

The only crew member that was successfully rescued was the captain Manuel Simal Sande. He had to be transferred to hospital to be treated for hypothermia and bruising. The crew members were from different nationalities: 5 Spaniards, 2 Portuguese and 2 Indonesians. One of the missing people is a young Spaniard who is enrolled at a professional fishing school in Gijon and had just started an training.

Read more at: http://www.vesselfinder.com/news/1894-Santa-Ana-sank-near-Cabo-Peas-Spain-2-dead-6-missing-VIDEO#.Ux8VRtRAH5B.twitterCopyright © Vesselfinder

Watch today's live broadcast now! - The Barefoot Ecologist's Toolbox

Today's live broadcast 

Returns the Lecture Series Campus do Mar with "The barefoot ecologist's toolbox", by Jeremy Prince (Australia). Will be Tuesday at 11:00 in the auditorium of the Faculty of Science, University of A Coruña and was broadcast live via streaming.

EVENT  The Barefoot Ecologist's toolbox 

PLACE Campus Universitario Elviña - A Coruña 

DATE 11/03/2014 TIME 11:00:00 Broadcasting is recorded except for the announced broadcast 

Watch the "The Barefoot Ecologist's toolbox" live from Italy - in English.

Monday 10 March 2014

Margiris ex-Abel Tasman seeksAIS couretsy of VesselTracker fish in Irish waters

AIS tracks courtesy of VesselTracker
Looks like the big Dutch pelagic boats are looking for fish having moved from the area Margiris had been fishing in for several days.

Get acquainted!- Draft MMO UK and England quota management rules 2014

Draft UK and England quota management rules 2014

The UK fisheries administrations have discussed these rules and have produced these draft rules based on the agreements reached. If you have any comments on either set of rules, please send them by 5pm on Monday 24 March to Martyn Youell, Head of Fisheries Management, martyn.youell@marinemanagement.org.uk
The draft rules and letters, which detail the major changes from the 2013 rules, sent to producer organisations and other interested parties are below. Until the 2014 rules are finalised, the 2013 rules should continue to be followed by all UK vessels.

The Curious Case of Seafood Sabotage | Raymond Blanc, MSC Food Investigator

A concerned chef hires investigator Raymond Blanc to investigate why all his customers are suddenly going to a rival restaurant. Raymond mystery shops both restaurants and uncovers the truth right under his nose!

Leading chef Raymond Blanc has been transformed into a cartoon character to help encourage more fish and chip shops to serve MSC certified seafood.

The Chef Patron of Le Manoir aux Quat’ Saisons has teamed up with the MSC to create the three minute film called Seafood Sabotage in which he goes undercover to find out why customers are deserting one restaurant in favour of a rival.

After much detective work, the super-sleuth recognises the MSC label on the menu at fish and chip restaurant ‘In Cod we Trust’ and explains to his client that people will only buy what they trust.

Raymond Blanc explained his motivation for the series: “Fish sustainability has always been integral to my businesses. Each aspect of what we do is driven by ethical, environmental, seasonal and regional values, whenever possible. What may not have been achievable yesterday is often achievable today; as a chef and a consumer I work in partnership with the fishmonger and with food producers exchanging knowledge.

“Sustainable fish is becoming part of what our diners expect, whether we are running a sit-down restaurant, a take-away or even a hotel. Our customers expect the same sustainable standards. I hope that this film will inspire my fellow chefs and restaurateurs to take the big step, to get MSC certified and prove they are sourcing sustainably.”

MSC certified fish and chip shops are being encouraged to show the short film instore to raise awareness among customers. In addition, shops will be receiving special MSC movie bill cards and posters, promoting the animated movie and inspiring more restaurateurs to become MSC certified.

Seafood Sabotage is one of three films created by the MSC and featuring Raymond Blanc – the other two being The Fish in the Canteen and The Fish out of Water.

Monday morning's market - #eatmorefish

Trawl caught fish by most popular species was evident this morning with mountains of megrims...

lemon sole...

and monk tails from the Cornishman...

and some top quality inshore monk from the Harmony kept the buyers busy...

turbot don't some much bigger than these guys - at 15kg this fish alone would provide enough cuts to keep the best chefs smiling...

whereas the once plentiful mackerel are still thin on the ground in the waters around the south west...

an impressionist was at work this morning....

the netters landed big mixed trips for their first decent trips since last year...

plenty of roes from the big white fish trips...

helped fill the western end of the market...

where some fish were stacked seven boxes high to save space...

mums the word it seems...

make a careful note...

and just tell 'em how big that one was...

holding a £100 hake is not something you get to do everyday...

as students from Exeter University's Environmental Science Course (also available as a distance learning course) get the benefit of Andy's wealth of piscine knowledge...

with the kind of work Cefas undertake on the market every morning being one of the many job routes such such students could aim for...

out in the harbour there is calm...

as the Replenish make her way to the fish market...

making a plea for help after the longest sustained period of winter weather in living memory...

boats look for crew need look no further!