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Wednesday 5 December 2012

Eat out at Senara Restaurant @ Penwith College

Why not treat yourself to a gorgeous three course meal for well under £10! - and give the catering students at penwith College the chance to impress you with their gastronimic skills - who knows you may have your fish cooked by the next Ben Tunnicliffe!

And its good to see some of Newlyn's finest fresh fish gracing the menu too!

Senara Christmas menu available everyTuesday to Friday

Take away bread and soup available every day from 12pm to 1.30pm


Fennel, leek + potato soup w/ rosemary croutons

Smoked mackerel + herring rilette w/plum + ginger chutney + toasted focaccia

Gravalax cured salmon w/ beetroot Carpaccio, fresh horseradish + micro herb salad w/ lemon oil


Chicken wrapped in pancetta w/ pecarino gnocchi, curly kale, confit garlic + gorgonzola cream

Butternut squash, mascarpone + pine nut risotto w/ crispy sage butter + parmesan

Baked megrim sole fillet w/ sun blush tomato + basil stuffing w/ sauté new potatoes, roast cherry vine tomatoes + chilli oil


Senara boozy berry triffle

Dark chocolate pot w/ chocolate shortbread + orange chantilly

trio of sorbets ‘ pear, peach + lemon’ with berry salad + toasted pistachios

senara cheese’s w/ chutney + oat cakes 

To book at tabel (advisable) phone the Senara Restaurant on 01736 335215 - events and large parties also catered for - ask for details.

Blue Business in decoding Ecological issues

More comments resulting from Peche Development's report on Blue Charities connections within the European fishing industry and their attempts to present the industry in a bad light.

Fishery: Blue Business in decoding Ecological issues

The French NGO “Pêche et développement” has made a big wave in the sea of already-made ideas about sustainable management of the fishing resources. Its report “Blue Charity Business” (http://www.peche-dev.org/spip.php?article685) shows that many NGOs committing against overfishing (WWF, Greenpeace, New Economic Foundation), which contribute through their lobbying in Bruxelles to conduct the on going reform of the European Common Fisheries Policy, are widely funded by a small group of big foundations, mainly American.

Yet, these organisations choose to wrongly  present fishing activities as a whole as an organised looting of the seas, warns the report. Warning is also issued to the beneficiaries (E NGOs). Foundations also promote a privatised management of the fishing quotas. Such influence could result in a drastic drop of fishing employment, to which public opinion is formed by false messages presenting a caricatural image of environmental impacts of the fishing industry.

Monday 3 December 2012

No ifs and Butts, bass, bass and more big bass!

Sportin her new winch and net drum, the inshore trawler Imogen landed some cracking cod...

while the beam trawl fleet keep digging those megs from the sand...

the western end of the market was chocka with the biggest and best line caught bass...

with the Butts bagging some beauties in the 2-4 kilo range...

saving space at sea, the fast cat, Cyclone winged her ray this trip - this is the practice of trimming the wings of the ray from the body - the bodies are then used for crab pot bait...

the bass just get bigger and bigger!...

back in again, the ex-Newlyn beam trawler, Georges Johannes...

is being watched by Pooh Bear...

last section of the sidewinder Anthony is ready to be shipped away to make some sort of buidling it seems!...

Wherry Town Coop has been re-built including the garage forecourt...

you were warned!

Sunday 2 December 2012

Saturday was a busy Cornish lifeboats

The St Mary's lifeboat made a quick sortie round to an off island...

while the Penlee boat and the Sennen boat both carried out trips around the Land's End area. At the same time the crabber Emma Louise completd a day on the pots and the beam trawler, Karen was bound away.

Friday 30 November 2012

Friday's top quality fish day!

Staff team from the award winning Harbour Lights fish and chip shop in Falmouth have come to Newlyn to see at first hand where their top quality locally sourced fish come from - and its good to see these guts have hake on their menu...

R is for Red, as in gills that is...

silver is skin, bass skin...

B is for Bass from the Butts, skippered by King Cod...

A is for Auction it begins at six...

C is for Cuttlefish, black gold to some...

bidding is brisk on the last market for the week with mainly top quality inshore fish and a few short trips from the beam trawlers that landed...

almost done and dusted, the view down the grading machine...

the scaffolding has gone up on skipper Corin's new command...

there's both sides of gear to do on the Karen...

and the old sidewinder, Anthony is being broken up and taken away in section...

D is for Dawn that breaks over the Lizard.

Is this a flare just gone up in Mount's Bay?

Hot off the press! - Catch Quota Trials 2012 - Interim Report (November 2012)


This interim report provides a summary of the progress of the 2012 trials, to the end of September, of catch quota management using remote monitoring and CCTV.
A total of 22 English-administered vessels are fitted with remote monitoring equipment and CCTV and are engaged in trials for a range of stocks as well as non-catch quota-related trials. The results, to date, are demonstrating that discards have been virtually eliminated for the species under trial.

So reads the first few lines of the MMOs 2012 interim report on video surveillance, sorry, monitoring of fishing vessels in the North Sea and South Western Approaches. You do have to wonder at the lengths to which fishermen have to go in order to prove they are making a legal living these days. Trying to turn things round and look at this latest ruse to monitor fishing effort in a more positive light - the video recordings may also be useful in demonstrating just how MUCH fish of so called endangered species are being caught in abundance at times!