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Saturday 5 November 2011

Binge working on Guy Fawkes night - Ajax in - Ajax out.

These two willing hands are the fishroom boys this afternoon.......
 guiding three boxes up at a time.......
 before they pass across the deck........
 and ashore.........
 where a good topping of extra ice is added........ 
off into the fridge.........
with this one fish almost making double figures in kilos........
 and there's plenty more with 200+ boxes of prime hake to come out of the fish hold........
 under the watchful eye of skipper Alan Dwan........
 and into the safe hands of Tom.........
before they head straight back out to sea again to pick up their gear which is fishing quietly while they are away - just another 10 hours steaming ahead of them.........
 back at base, time to reveal those fine fresh fish features - bright bulging eyes.......
 red, not pink, or worse still, grey gills (hence the term, "he's looking a bit grey around the gills").......
 steaks, loin and fillets bagged up ready for the fridge........
and the trimmings ready for the stock pot with the addition of, onion, carrot, leek, dash of white wine vinegar, parsley and peppercorns - not salt at this stage. 

Yellow fin tuna on Newlyn market.

The 80 kilo yellow fin tuna fills the 450 litre tub.

All set for Newlyn fish auction on Monday morning - an 80 kilo yellow fin tuna - all eyes will be on the auctioneer to see what the buyers are prepared to pay - on a previous occasion a yellow fin made £25 per kilo - that would mean this fish is potentially worth around £2,000 - are you tempted in Chelsea?!

Saturday morning - tea and cake on the prom.

All girls members of the Battery Rocks swimmers wait for a hearty breakfast in the Mission........
with the temperatures making the day seem more like spring, one enterprising person took the opportunity to serve tea and cakes on Penzance prom, very civilised.........
 there was also plenty of sea weed available for the garden if you had a mind to bring a bag or two......
 with tons more piled up on the beach.........
courtesy of a heavy swell over the last 48 hours..........
 leaving its mark everywhere.........
 along with plenty of flotsam washed ashore........
 it is that time of year again.........
almost no boats in the harbour with the fine forecast - for a few days at least.

Friday 4 November 2011

Duchy of Cornwall ordered to reveal oyster farm data

The Duchy of Cornwall, which comprises the Prince of Wales's business interests, has been ordered to disclose environmental data from an oyster farm.

The decision by an information tribunal redefines the duchy, a 700-year-old private institution, as a public body, leaving it open to further challenges. The ruling came after a legal battle against the farm near Falmouth. The tribunal said the duchy had not carried out an environmental assessment of the farm.

The potentially far-reaching decision defining the duchy as a public body under environmental regulations was made by the First-Tier Tribunal on information rights, a court that deals with disputes relating to freedom of information.

Thursday 3 November 2011

New weather info charts come to Through the Gaps.

A new weather forecast service has been added to the pages of Through the Gaps. This neat little application allows you to select a summary of the prevailing conditions or look at the next two days forecast for wave height, swell, period and wind speed and direction - just head over to the weather info page and choose the appropriate tab - as per the illustration above.

What it takes to get that hake.

Green arrow indicates the position of the netter Ajax AH32
Skipper Alan Dwan aboard the Newlyn netter, Ajax can be seen fishing in an area to the west of the Isles of Scilly based on the postion he has given.

The boat's most recent tweet (Wednesday evening) has Alan sat in the wheelhouse, dodging whilst eating a bacon sandwich - outside, the weather is blowing gale force 7-9! 'Dodging' is a term describing how the boat is kept 'head to wind'; the bow faces the direction of the wind while the boat slowly going ahead in order to minimise the effects of the weather and reduce the extent to which the boat rolls. While the boat is dodging she is unable to work the gear. No doubt the crew will be down below getting some unexpected extra time in their bunks, not that comfortable though.

Local fish filleting opportunity at Penwith College.

There's a fish filleting course being run at nearby Penwith College on Saturday 12th November, using only the finest fresh fish from the market at Newlyn. 

Hands on fish filleting at Penwith College.