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Saturday 12 October 2024

Consultation on the proposed Channel Skates and Rays Fisheries Management Plan



The purpose of this consultation is to seek your views on the proposed Southern North Sea and Channel skates and rays Fisheries Management Plan (FMP), its policies and proposed actions and measures. We are also seeking your views on the likely environmental effects of the FMP, as set out in the environmental report.

As set out in the JFS, FMPs are to be developed for those stocks that are of social and economic importance, at risk of significant over-exploitation and have an ecosystem significance. Therefore, the Southern North Sea and English Channel skates and rays FMP in its first iteration covers the following seven species (11 stocks) of rays within English waters in International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) divisions 4b and 4c (Southern North Sea) and 7d and 7e (English Channel):

thornback ray (Raja clavata)

blonde ray (Raja brachyura)

undulate ray (Raja undulata)

small-eyed ray (Raja microocellata)

spotted ray (Raja montagui)

cuckoo ray (Leucoraja naevus)

starry ray (Amblyraja radiata).

The southern North Sea and Channel skates and rays FMP sets out a pathway to the long-term sustainable management of the Southern North Sea and Channel skates and rays fisheries in English waters. The FMP sets out goals for the fishery and short and long-term actions to achieve them. 

Why your views matter

This consultation is an opportunity for you to help shape and influence the future of skates and rays management policy in England and builds upon previous engagement with industry.


This consultation will run for 14 weeks, closing at 23:59 on 19 January 2025. You can find the FMP and associated documents in the ‘related documents’ section at the bottom of this page.

Please read the consultation document before responding to this consultation.

To submit your consultation response please:

Complete the consultation questionnaire through this link.

Please scroll through the consultation doc below before completing the survey:

or send additional information or documents to the Fisheries Management Plans policy team by email to FMPconsultations@defra.gov.uk

respond by post using the address below

Fisheries Management Plans team
Marine & Fisheries Directorate
Seacole Building
2 Marsham Street