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Friday 24 June 2011

Fishy Friday finds fiercely fought over fish as prices rocket.

The harbour security office has an excellent view.......
out with the old - might be for sale........
flat calm this morning........
the Annabelle J, a classic Bristol Pilot boat is available for hire with skipper - based on the South coast...........
the boat is based in Hamble, built by the Appledore Shipyard in 1995 and designed by the Duchy Boatyard and fitted out by Bridgend Boat Co. Newton Ferrers, Devon.........
in a sea of black, the red ensign, first proclaimed in 1674 by Charles II to be flown by British merchant ships .........
seeing double.......
that's progress, a hunderd years ago they had donkeys to do the heavy work........
biggest cod on the market, this one had Paul's name on it from the Twilight III's four day trip........
at-ease Anthony........
plenty of keen bidding for the last few boxes on the market........
pause for a moment to ponder........
as the price of monk hits £23+ a kilo - that's around £138 a stone in old money!

Bugaled Breiz - new development.

The son of a French fisherman has accused a British nuclear submarine commander and Iraq war hero of killing his father and four colleagues by accidentally sinking their trawler during war games. Thierry Le Métayer lost his father Georges, a mechanic on the Bugaled-Breizh, when the boat mysteriously sank in good weather on January 15, 2004 off Lizard Point, near the most southerly point of the British mainland. 

Thursday 23 June 2011

Paying Tribute to Seafarers

What would happen if every ship on our seas suddenly vanished?

It’s International Day of the Seafarer this week (Saturday 25 June) which aims to pay tribute to the world’s 1.5 million seafarers. 

A survey carried out by Seafarers UK, the charity that supports seafarers and their families, today shows just how little we as a nation know about this industry. The majority of respondents weren’t aware that Sunderland (80%), Glasgow (75%) or Belfast (50%) were even seaports. And yet one in five incorrectly named Calais as a British seaport. Furthermore, when asked how far they live from the coast, a fifth of adults estimated they were 76 miles or more away from the sea, even though there is no part of Britain that is further than 70 miles from the coast. 

That’s possibly the reason why 80% of people have not been on the sea as a passenger on a ship or boat for over a year, with over a quarter saying they haven’t set sail for more than 10 years. We also massively underestimated the dangers that fishermen face at work, with less than one in 10 adults correctly identifying it as the most dangerous career in the UK. And we clearly aren’t passing on our maritime history to our children either with a quarter of children in the survey naming Captain Jack Sparrow as Britain’s most famous seaman. 

To mark the campaign, a thought-provoking video has been commissioned by Seafarers UK. It paints the nightmare scenario of what would happen if every ship suddenly disappeared and highlights just how important seafarers are.

TSC report on the proposed Coastguard cuts.

Today sees the publication of the TSC's (Transport Select Committee) findings on the revised re-organisation of HMC - the service that maintains a watch on the shipping lanes and traffic off coastline UK.  Initially, the consultation document contained proposals that would see Falmouth lose its 24/7 operational coverage and Brixham close altogether in accordance with the Government's desire to centralise the CG service by using technology to replace the need for regional stations.

First of today's reports from the BBC.

BBC news - Plea from Milford Haven - home of giant oil tanker terminal.

Wednesday 22 June 2011

Wales' fish extravaganza - June 25th to July 3rd.

Dowload the Fish Week Brochure 2011 or view it here.

This weekend sees the start of the 11th Pembrokeshire Fish Week; a celebration of Pembrokeshire's wonderful fish and seafood - not to mention its spectacular coastline.

The week is packed full of family-friendly activities based around the coast and waterway, including cookery demonstrations, fishing competitions, boat trips, children's workshops, and much more.

Pembrokeshire Fish Week is truly a county-wide event with well over 150 businesses taking part. Get hooked and have yourself a lot of fun!

No Fish left on the Plate

What can we expect from the Common Fisheries Policy Reform?

The Conference aims to raise awareness about the urgent need for a radical Common Fisheries Reform, ahead of the Commission's proposal which is expected on 13 July. This event will be a way to maintain the topic high on the agenda in order to encourage an immediate response to the Commission's proposal once it comes out.

The discussions should aim to spell out what might be the worst-case consequences if reform is not undertaken, and highlight by how much fishing resources have been depleted in terms of fish and of employment within the industry.

Speakers will include the fisheries Commissioner Maria Damanaki, an academic from York University, Callum Roberts and Tony Long, Director of WWF who will present the current state of the stocks and point out what the consequences would be if we continued the same fishing practices as usual.

Fishermen will also be represented and will provide a practical experience of what the common fisheries policy has led to in the past and why there is an urgent need for action. Contributions will also be made from other actors involved in the fishing industry such as fish processors and retailers.

Maria Damanki's speech in full here.

For more information and registration, please send full name, date of birth and ID number (passport or ID): diana.gierstorfer@europarl.europa.eu

ProgrammeClick here to download the programme

The full video of the debate will be available soon.

The creative side of things.

There's a permanent display of street art on the prom, but this week all eyes will be on the more serious works available during Golowan week.......
Marine artist, Nick Praed, whose studio is aboard the ex-fishing vessel Arkincastle berthed in Penzance wet dock.......
is happy to receive visitors and take orders for his works on display or on commission.......
if your preferred medium is big, bold 3D then head for Tony Lattimer's new gallery in Morrab Road........
desperate Dayle aboard the Shikari is after a stripper - to the uninitiated this is not something for removing clothing but mackerel from a line of hooks - give him a ring on 07917 817539 if you know of a stripper up for grabs.......
there's a set of monk, sole and gill nets going, all on good ropes for a monkey.........
the market was desolate apart from mackerel this morning.......
polyvalent doors in blue.........
today's growing collection of passing yachts waiting for a weather window - Newlyn is strategically placed for yachts en route for bigger journey including those making the crossing to Ireland or heading south for France and beyond........
the fishermen's friend - not.........
just the mackerel to go this morning........
weather from the South, wet, warm and windy.