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Wednesday 22 June 2011

No Fish left on the Plate

What can we expect from the Common Fisheries Policy Reform?

The Conference aims to raise awareness about the urgent need for a radical Common Fisheries Reform, ahead of the Commission's proposal which is expected on 13 July. This event will be a way to maintain the topic high on the agenda in order to encourage an immediate response to the Commission's proposal once it comes out.

The discussions should aim to spell out what might be the worst-case consequences if reform is not undertaken, and highlight by how much fishing resources have been depleted in terms of fish and of employment within the industry.

Speakers will include the fisheries Commissioner Maria Damanaki, an academic from York University, Callum Roberts and Tony Long, Director of WWF who will present the current state of the stocks and point out what the consequences would be if we continued the same fishing practices as usual.

Fishermen will also be represented and will provide a practical experience of what the common fisheries policy has led to in the past and why there is an urgent need for action. Contributions will also be made from other actors involved in the fishing industry such as fish processors and retailers.

Maria Damanki's speech in full here.

For more information and registration, please send full name, date of birth and ID number (passport or ID): diana.gierstorfer@europarl.europa.eu

ProgrammeClick here to download the programme

The full video of the debate will be available soon.