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Thursday 19 May 2011

Home-smoked fish fish cakes.

 Bring a 50/50 mixture of white and smoked white fish fillets covered in milk to the boil and allow to cool - the fuller flavour of smoked fish can be overpowering for some palates........
 having made a dry mashed potato - add finely chopped chives (or, as an alternative, spring onion), chopped parsley, an egg yolk, salt and pepper to season, mix with a fork and add the now drained fish (save the milk) - cover a chopping board with Panko (Japanese) bread crumbs and form a pattie in your hand before flattening the pattie on the breadcrumbs, press flat and coat the top side before frying off a batch......
 add a simple tomato salsa.......
and veg of choice - to the milk used to poach the fish, add two large dollops of Dijon mustard and thicken to make a simple sauce.

Result! Coastguard stations won't be closed!

It is being reported in the national press that the Government has decided to pull plans to close 11 coastguard stations as originally outlined in their proposed cutbacks.

A quiet, but virulent campaign to fight the cuts made full use of online technology like blogs, social networking and a well supported petition all seem to have helped bring about the right result for the nation's marine trades and leisure activities. 

The cruel irony of having Sheryll Murray receive news that her fisherman husband had been found fatally injured at sea while she was in the House of Commons taking part in a debate to cut elements of the Coastguard Service  cannot have been lost on those taking part at the time.

A full transcript of the evidence given before the House taken in April of this year can be read here.

Save the Coastguard - Petition Online

Save Clyde Coastguard

Save Stornaway

Wednesday 18 May 2011

Has the Magic gone?

 Is that the sardine King up to his ears in lemons?.......
 well, if that's what it's come too.......
 a concentration of buyers huddle around the megs......
 with their big mouths.........
 don't forget guys, there's no ice on Friday this week...... 
 not what Andrew wants to see down the quay.......
 most of the beamer fleet are in this morning.......
 big drums for big nets........
 probably just as well.........
 a market virgin, Rob from St Ives' fish merchant Matthew Stevens gets his first taste of the morning auction action......
 tagging along with the rest of the staff on their day out in Newlyn........
 a small shot of grey mullet in from the Scillys.......
 and a standing stone has appeared on the beach......
some of the seats on the prom can't take the strain.

Tuesday 17 May 2011

Da de da da da da da da, all through the night.

Details are beginning to come in from the all night creative at Penzance Exchange Gallery's Book of the Night event that ended at 8am on Sunday morning gone. A preview of the night shift's efforts in print emerging on a number of web sites and blogs.

One of the more eclectic hotels in Cornwall is the Penzance Art Hotel and owner Lisa was one of the 23 creators who took part in Book of the Night - read her account here -though she doesn't get any prizes for the lack of staying power - throwing in her towel at 2am!

Just a taster of the book to come from this event is on the Book of the Night blog here - an almost hourly record of the print in progress at the gallery.

Young fisherman's body recovered from Newlyn harbour.

The body of a seventeen year old fisherman, missing since Monday was recovered by police divers from Newlyn Harbour today. He was believed to be a member of the crabber Emma Louise's crew, having previously begun fishing with the Dom Bosco (above).

Shouts from the sidelines.

Sometimes journals that make up the national press manage to inculcate through articles thought and comment from readers that are more than just knee-jerk, xenophobic reactions. Hats off to the Spectator then for its coverage of the looming, likely fraught debate, over amendments to the CFP.

First printed in 1828 as a weekly paper on politics and the arts, the weekly Spectator's editorial line, is generally left of centre, although a small with a number of 'leftish' writers make regular contributions.

Breton bugs.

The Breton port of Guilvenec's web cam suffered a bug attack this morning.