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Friday, 13 December 2024

It's a fine #FishyFriday morning in Newlyn.

Not a breath this morning and a tad warmer than the rest of the week and hints of the harbour channeling Van Gogh's, Starry Night...


with plenty of fih on the martket like these grey mullet...


tidy haddock..


and red bream...

turbot, a top choice for a top restaurant somewhere...

one big blue...

and a box of reds...

there's street urchins and these urchins derie their name from the latin word for hedgehog...

while mackerel are still scarce...

good tubs...

and plaice...

are a feature of the bigger boats' landings...

there's plenty of pollack...

and more big plaice...

the odd bass...

and some fine Dory...

along with other quality fish for which Newlyn is synonoymous......

however, landings from the netters are very slack, nit what they needed in their final trip before the market shuts before Xmas...

tipping point...

with just a few more days to go for the year, the Saxon Spirit is in, landed, taking on fuel and away again...

as the mornings fish are made ready for picking up by the buyers...

just one of a gaggle of North Sea Divers currewntly residing in the harbour...

tsparks are flying...

recent storms have scoured the harbour and very neatly graded the silt...

Rowse's latest addition to the fleet is all set to sail soon...

looking like new, the Ajax back from having a new galley and other work completede by Parkol in Whitby...

latest addition to the local inshore trawl fleet, Spanish Eyes II for the Corin clan...

Tristan closes down the fishroom hatch after the final trip...

of the Silver Dawn's for 2024...

IFCA must have found some extra pennies in the piggy bank to get the St Piran  off to sea on a Friday, passing by the Saxon Spirit, who appears to have had the start of her next trip somewhat delayed..