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Friday 2 February 2024

First #FishyFriday in February

Newlyn bathed in blue light again this morning, blue light has shorter rays better able to penetrate the atmosphere when the sun is just below or above the horizon...

in the market it's brilliant white light spread ove r the morning's auction floor with plenty of beam trawl fish like these megrims...



and monk...

all set for despatch...

name this fish...

inshore boats are all catching the odd dog...

among typical hauls for the time of year...

along with plaice...

the odd greater weaver...

el congeros...

large(ish) whitefish...

top quality red mullet...

and signs of good mackerel for the handliners...

the odd tope...

with a good shot of scallops,,,

and gurnard from the beam trawlers...

oh the joys of the box-washer...

big fish - big mouth...

another job off the list...

another hole in the life of the harbour...

as the sun begns to rise and permate the heavy cloud cover the cool blue hues recede...

good to see young Jamie heading out to sea...

Newlyn doesn't see too many cobles, a boat designed and built to fish from the stony beaches of North East England...

the Rebecca of Ladram sports a host of innovative features...

 including working a set of semi-pelagic doors...

league of nations...

good to see the Monty of Ladram back in Newlyn...

along with three other beam trawlers...

the Enterprise, making an appearance out of the blue...

Newlyn has its very own Newlyn Archive, now housed in the Old Post Office, and depicted in this painting by the late, great, Ken Howard RA.