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Monday 9 October 2023

Mighty misty Monday morning in Newlyn.

Local artist Clare Bowen up at the crack of dawn to take on the challenge of capturing a very misty morning in Newlyn...

inside the market things are a little clearer despite being filled end-to-wend with fish...

like these cracking MSC hake from the netter Ygraine...

and, unusually, a few boxes of ling...

a couple of lonely witches...

more hake from the Britannia V...

along with plenty of spurdog...

and even some horse mackerel...

more dogs...

and pollack from the Ygraine...

while top drawer fish like these red mullet...

and black bream came courtesy of a few inshore boats...

in with their usual diverse landings of fish...

there were good Dovers too...

while the flagged ex-Icelandic stern trawler, Njord Venture landed several tons of huge gilt head bream in addition to 10 tons of cuttles...

young Roger did manage a good shot of Dory over the weekend...

no sign of the mist lifting just yet...

the other netter to land, the Stelissa had a big shot of spurdogs, they are not favourites to catch as their spines do plenty of damage to the mono-nylon meshes when the crew pick out the fish...

ray frames are a staple bait for the crabbers...

seems they have almost albino-like congers up off Brixham where the Njord Venture was working...

though the ink from the cuttles plays havoc with big white fish like these turbot...

and brill...

still misty out there...

a splash of silvers kins in the handline fridge, mullet and bass up for auction...

the A team landed another big tuna...

on the market this morning...

been a long time since Cyril, brother of Bamber Gasgoine landed usrhcins on the market - he used to dive for them from his boat, the Pioneer...

imagine one of these ten foot long?..

the deepest red red gurnard, inshore fish at its best...

there's a few mackerel to be had in the bay...

the netting fleet are busy making their first landings for the tide...

even though it's hard to spot them...

always good to see students from a range of environmental courses from Exeter University and lucky enough to have the benefit of wise words from CFPo man, Andy Wheeler as they tour the harbour...

Prospector off on another BFT hunt...

it's a thumbs-up from the crabber!