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Thursday 28 September 2023

Fishing industry 2022 statistics


Fishing industry in 2022 statistics published The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) has published its annual UK Sea Fisheries Statistics 2022.

The UK fishing fleet Its activity at sea Landings – how much fish they catch and land Effort – how long they spend at sea Trade

Key statistics include: 


In 2022 there were 5,541 UK registered fishing vessels. This represents a 14% reduction in the last ten years, however Gross Tonnage (GT) has remained similar at 203 thousand tonnes. Approximately 21% of the UK fleet is represented by vessels over 10 metres in length, of which 44% are administered in Scotland. There are around 10,000 fishers working on UK registered vessels. This is a reduction of 2,100 fishers in the last ten years. Landings

In 2022, UK vessels landed 640 thousand tonnes of sea fish with a value of £1.04 billion. Compared to 2021, this is a decrease of 2% in quantity, however an increase in value of 13%. The increase in value is mainly driven by higher fish prices. Landings into the UK by foreign vessels in 2022 was 19 thousand tonnes, which compared to 2021 represents a 4% reduction. Landings abroad by UK vessels also decreased to 245 thousand tonnes, a reduction of 5%.

Effort Since 2004, fishing effort (kW days at sea) by the over 10m fleet has decreased by around 40%. Most of the reduction in effort is driven by a 1% decline in effort in the demersal trawl and seine segment. Fishing effort by the over 10m fleet decreased by 3% between 2021 and 2022.

Trade The UK is a net importer of fish. The UK’s crude trade gap in 2022 for sea fish is 316,000 tonnes. This is lower than 2021, where the gap was 322,000 tonnes. In 2022 the UK imported 647,000 tonnes of sea fish, with a value of £3.7 billion. It exported 330,000 tonnes, with a value of £1.7 billion.