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Breathing New Life into Newlyn’s Old Harbour The first stage of restoring Newlyn’s historic Old Harbour has been successfully completed, wi...

Monday, 3 April 2023

After a bender, it's Monday morning in Newlyn and not a stone in sight!

Poor weather drove a few boats back to port over the weekend...

including the St Georges...

although this is not the kind of bender skipper Don would have wanted in the heavy weather he was fishing in...

it took 15 hours of careful steaming to retrieve the gear and steam the boat safely home with the starboard beam made fast to the side of the boat to minimise any further damage

but blue skies herald slightly more settled weather for the first day of fish landings in April...

with plenty of fish and the usual spread of species on the auction this morning, fish like black bream...


and MSC Certified hake from the Ocean Pride...

while the St Georges being the only beam trawler to land the market was kept stocked up with monk tails galore...

time to takeaway the morning's purchases...

like works of modern art, the backs of undulate ray never fail to intrigue...

brown and spider claws...

John Dory are never really off the landing sheets but at this time of year thin on the ground...

well, when you're this big you get to have a box all to yourself...

top drawer fish, Dover sole...


and brill...

tub gurnard, a must for any fish supper for you and friends...

pollack have big white flakes similar to cod, head to any French inspired recipes for the b est way to cook these fish...

while haddock remain one of the most flavoursome white fish of all...

yet more quality hake from the Ajax...

and a good sized black bream...

and they used to think the Trevessa IV was a big boat!