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Sunday 13 November 2022

Lizard lifeboat rescues two of its own crew.


Here's the official RNLI report of the rescue mission:

"Our crew were paged at 12.33pm this afternoon to immediately assist the Cadgwith fishing vessel Crig A Tan in a position of 6 nautical miles south east of Lizard Point. An EPIRB (Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon) alert had been identified by Falmouth Coastguard indicating that the vessel was in immediate distress. 

Cadgwith Cove boat, Crag a Tan (Video courtesy of Andrewonline) early 2022.

Following a prompt launch and under the command of Second Coxswain Darren Thirlaway, RNLB Rose proceeded to the position given by the coastguard. Upon arrival on scene a search of the area began and within a few minutes the crew had sighted a red flare in the distance. RNLB Rose went straight to the position of the flare and it was then that a life raft was sighted. Thankfully the raft contained the two crew of the Crig A Tana who had been forced to abandon their vessel prior to its sudden sinking. Sadly there was no sign of the stricken vessel on scene. Following transfer from the life raft to the lifeboat it was ascertained that both crew were shaken but unharmed and in no need of medical assistance. 

Relieved family and friends were at the station awaiting the lifeboats return. HM Coastguard rescue helicopter and the Mullion Coastguard Rescue team were also in attendance. A difficult service for our station today, as the crew of the Crig a Tana are also members of our lifeboat crew. We are so very grateful for their safe return today.

Looking back over lifeboat rescues from Cadgwith this came to light. The date, November 18th 1868.