One hundred years ago the fish market moved from the plinth in front of the harbour offices to a covered market and auction building...
by the 1980s things had hardly changed with boats landing straight into the market building when they could get alongside at high water...
the market was fully exposed to the elements and walking on boxes was de rigueur behaviour for the buyers before a major rebuild of the market in the early 1980s saw an access road added to the harbourside and fully enclosed..
large fish caught in bulk like cod, ling, ray, skate, pollack, coley and dogfish were landed in aluminium 10 stone (62Kg) 'kits'...
in 2019 another major refurbishment saw the entire market divided into four temperature controlled chill rooms but still selling fish in a traditional shout auction...
a practice that had been going on for over 100 years, captured in this most famous of Newlyn School artist Stanhope Forbes' work, "Fish sale on a beach'...
capturing fish sales on canvas has had a long tradition carried on to this present day, as can be seen here with local artist Henrietta Graham's fish auction, one of six works depicting the local fishing industry commissioned by the harbour and currently for sale...