Tuesday, 12 February 2019
Exploring the role of women in fishing families
We want to hear about your experiences of life in a fishing family.
If you'd like to participate in this study you must be over the age of 18 and be or have been part of a small-scale fishing family (using boats under 10 metres).
We’d like to hear from a broad range of people who hold different roles in fishing families, communities and the fishing industry.
We conducted interviews in Newfoundland in the summer of 2018 and we’re currently looking for participants in the UK. Conversations are strictly confidential and we can come to you at a time that suits you best
If you'd like to take part, please get in touch by emailing M.C.Gustavsson@exeter.ac.uk or filling in the form below.
Please help the team by completing the short on-line survey here: