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Saturday 19 January 2019

Internet access for all via WiFi access about to go live in Newlyn.

Resting on the flat-bed, a huge 19th century single fluke anchor recently trawled up by one of the beam trawl fleet...

while quayside, Jeremy shackles in a strop to help lift the Resurgam's beam trawl...

that she retrieved from the bay yesterday from where she had dropped both sets of trawl gear to keep her decks clear prior to her major refit...

this is common practice for the local beam trawl fleet as it is a much easier way to manage storage of their fishing gear on the seabed which they can very easily use a creep to pick up later (having taken accurate GPS readings where the trawls were temporarily dumped)...

across the quay engineers from Wildanet ...

are busy installing WiFi which will allow any harbour user to access the internet...

which will keep harbour users and visiting boats like the Still Waters connected to the internet 24/7.