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Monday 13 May 2013

Not the Newlyn Harbour News


Despite all the promises, the much improved web site created to inform and champion the dynamic and pro-active work of the new Newlyn Pier and Harbour Commissioners seems to reflect an air of stagnation and inertia appartent to many. Having said that this week's Cornishman, the local newspaper did carry a hugely gripping story concerning the need to remove or at least re-locate a small bank of shingle that builds up against the back of the South Pier necessitating attention once every ten years or so - a prime example of meeting the needs of these challenging times indeed.

All this at a time when many in the fleet are enjoying excellent fishing and good prices despite the nagging easterly wind that has blown through the port for over two months and some serious challenges in the form of MCZs and MPAs and quota cuts forcing many boats to buy quota to save dumping huge quantities of fish.  

In the last year, the private sector of the fleet have demonstrated some serious faith in the future and now some of their new boats in the shape of powerful beam trawl and gill net boats are making the most of more buoyant market conditions.  In a few weeks yet another shellfish boat will join the ever expanding Rowse fleet of crabbers.

Hopefully then, NPHC are just biding their time and are about to unleash a welter of changes and improvements to help service the growing fleet all under the hand of the Harbour Master yet to be appointed.