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Monday 22 April 2013

French fishermen in double suicide from the trawler Neway

Tragedy trawler: The Neway seen here towing the Cap3000 into Newlyn three years ago.

Below is a translation from the French newspaper Le Télégramme which covered the sad news that the two young fishermen lost overboard from the Neway last week in fact committed suicide.


A double suicide. This is the incredible conclusion reached the floor of Saint-Brieuc to explain the disturbing disappearance of two young sailors Neway, off the Scilly Islands on Saturday.

"This is a serious matter because two people died. And exceptional case in the light of the conclusions we reach today: there is a double suicide ! ". It is with these words that Gerard Zaug began yesterday afternoon press conference intended to clarify particularly unclear circumstances surrounding the disappearance of two young sailors from Neway last Saturday. It was around 19 pm when Anthony Deveaux 25, and Alexander Sebert, 27, had gone overboard, while the deep-sea trawler based in Saint-Quay-Portrieux property of Christophe Doledec was a few nautical miles from the Scilly Islands, west of Cornwall England.

To support his argument, the prosecutor was first supported on the testimony of three crew members, questioned at length by the coastguard once landed at Roscoff (29) on Monday afternoon. Men who came back, in detail, on that tragic evening. At the time, the skipper was on the bridge. The other two sailors, one was at the helm and the other mending a net. According to them, their two friends were first isolated for about twenty minutes, before returning to the bridge at the request of the captain, who felt that there was still work to be finished. 

This is Anthony Deveaux who would voluntarily threw the first water. Imitated, "two up three minutes later," by his friend Alexander Sebert. The one port, the other to starboard. Avoiding warps. Both boots on and waxed on the back. "There is therefore no two accidental falls, or a man who jumped to save his friend fell into the water, assured the prosecutor. It is a voluntary act. They swam away from the boat despite the buoy was thrown into the sea " Both separated If the two sailors , who were very close, have left no letter explaining their actions, their tragic end does not seem be unduly surprised their entourage. The melancholy, "the two men were in somewhat similar situations: separated from their concubines and their children," said Gerard Zaug. Which also referred to a judicial proceeding against one of the missing. And the fact that Anthony Deveaux had expressed suicidal thoughts. 

To shed more light on the state of mind in which it was Saturday morning, the prosecutor revealed that he had told one of the crew members that he would be able to jump in the water for 400 € . To which he replied that it was just enough to pay for the shower ... "Everything has been tried" "It's good they were at sea. And it is perhaps not insignificant if it happened just before their return to Earth, scheduled for tomorrow ... Everything was done to save them, "said Gerard Zaug. For that crew, "in which reigned a great atmosphere," has absolutely nothing to apologize for. 

"Due to technical problems, the boss could not contact the Cross Corsen but we know that there have been several attempts."As for the hypothesis of an alcohol and / or drugs, which may explain a passage to the act," no material can establish, "said the prosecutor, closing the door immediately raised the question.

Full story here.