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Monday 18 February 2013

The Real Fish Fight starts now!

Never mind hughs fishfight contacts get your complaints into channel 4 about how biased and ill informed aswell as lies this programme told,dont hesitate its ur future 


We need to start getting this page shared guys,theres fishermen allover the country in agreement together now,hughs ignorence is destroying your future,lets use this page to fight back,even get hugh fans on here for friendly debate,please post all your points on here ive seen people making over the past few weeks, fishermen stand tigether for once against this guy,langoustine,whitefish,pelagic,beam,scallops,lets do something about it. Chaz bruce

The Real Fish Fight!

This campaign is reaching out to everyone connected to the fishing industry, processors and fish n chip shops also,were fed up of this bad reputation and getting our names tarnished by hughs fish fight and other anti fishing campaigns,come tell us your views and show that uk and ireland has a proud fleet of fishermen,and we wont tolerate these lies spread on ch4 etc

Hugh's Fish Fight This time next week we'll be putting together the final preparations for our march on Westminster. Join Hugh on Monday 25 February to show the government we want more marine protection: http://www.fishfight.net/

Scott Wharton on Facebook:

Could not believe what I watched last night when a man with so little knowledge of the facts is allowed to slander our industry in the way he did. It is unbelievable how a programme can be aired in the manner it was before having facts. I think the time has come for our industry of all sectors and regardless of size of vessel to come together and start counteracting some of these ridiculous accusations made by celebrity chefs who can no longer make their restaurants pay so then decide to earn extra money by trying to destroy our great industry by using their celebrity status in way of misleading the public and losing public confidence. Any sector within the industry thinking their future will be secured by these green parties and celebrities will soon realise the reality as each sector gets picked off one by one. The time has come for our industry to pull together and put our money where our mouth is and start to hit back for our future and our childrens.

Nick PrustNeed a volunteer from each port along the devon, cornwall and dorset coasts to private message me please Time to stand up and be counted