Thursday, 21 February 2013
Bugaled Breizh: Jacques Losay's film, The Silent Killer
A FILM depicting the moving story of the search for the families of five French fishermen and the truth behind why their trawler sank in just 37 seconds will be shown in Newlyn.
Jacques Losay's film, The Silent Killer, looks in to the trauma suffered by the families of the crew of the Bugaled Breizh, which sunk off the Lizard in 2004.
The Bugaled Breizh is lifted to the surface before transferring to a barge for the trip back to France. All five crew members were lost after the ship sunk 37 seconds after it was last reported to have spoken to a neighbouring vessel. Last month French authorities ruled out the involvement of the Royal Navy submarine Turbulent in the sinking of the vessel. Two expert reports went against the long held belief of the families that a submarine had got caught up in the trawler's nets and dragged it down.
Losay's son's father-in-law was skipper of the Bugaled Breizh. The film will show at The Centre in Newlyn on March 4 at 7pm.