a fleet of luggers now at anchor between St Clement's Isle and the harbour after a day of hard sailing around the Bay.......
now provide the crowds at Mousehole with worthy spectacle.....
as the Ripple makes her way between two boats at anchor......
closely followed by the little Breton.........
hard on her heels......
some sort of Masonic outfit? no, its a local Bluegrass band in their new guise.......
the humble herring attracts interest.......
with Mike Smylie heading up the head of the 40+ foot boat association..........
the lonely gaff rigger......
amongst a sea of lug rigs.......
captured in oils by Bernard Evans........
one of the few fish on display......
and where were the edible ones!!!!......
still celebrating the Jubilee......
the Ripple heads back to Newlyn past the cliffside allotments.......
time to stop for a beer in the Fisherman's Arms........
admire the most unique pub ceiling in the UK ........
especially at the Smugglers Restaurant which has a menu furnished with local produce and a limited number of en-suite rooms for the visitor - and a great view over the bay........
there's not much greener than Newlyn Green.