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Saturday 17 December 2011

Christmas cheer from the Fisheries Council in Brussels

Ending in the early hours of this morning, these were the tweets from MP Richard Benyon as the Fisheries Council meeting took place:

"Richard Benyon Off to Brussels to negotiate for fishing opportunities for our fleet next year......
MP Richard Benyon Absurdity of CFP made clear as I discuss net sizes in Irish Sea with Commissioner. We need reform that let's UK deal with such matters! 22 hours ago........
MP Richard Benyon Just had good meeting with French Minister. Good agreement with Germans too. Can argue sustainability through every proposal we make 20 hours ago........ 
MP Richard Benyon Still in Brussels negotiating fishing quotas. UK delegation have sweepstake of time agreement will be reached. My money on 3.45am 9 hours ago .........
Richard Benyon @ @seafishinfuture Do support CRP! It just the days @ sea part that is lunacy and doesn't work in mixed fishery like ours. RB 9 hours ago..........
Richard Benyon @ @StuartHousden getting there. Result soon 7 hours ago.......
Got a good deal for UK Fisheries @ 3.45am (as predicted here!). UK's position backed by science throughout. 1 hour sleep. Now going home 14 minutes ago RichardBenyonMP".........

Some good cheer emanating from this year's Fisheries Council meting for the UK fishing fleet. news coming out of the council meeting indicate that for Scottish fishermen the 4 day at sea a fortnight ruling may have been overturned in favour of a 4 day week. Quotas for North Sea haddock and herring appear to have been doubled. News of quota targets that apply to the waters off the south west has yet to reach the shore of Cornwall.

Mme Damanki speaking after the fisheries council meeting.

See the full story from the BBC here.

Newlyn in Cornwall has the largest number of fishing vessels in the UK (619), followed by Milford Haven (483) and Poole (476). But Fraserburgh in Scotland has the largest capacity by gross tonnage (36,264), followed by Shetland (23,632). 63% of UK fishing boats were built prior to 1991. While the number of boats being built has fallen, their average capacity and power have increased

Source: UK Sea Fisheries Statistics 2010