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Thursday 17 November 2011

Naughty 90s - Netting for tuna and swordfish 1994 style.

Re-live the tuna wars day back in the mid 1990s - when Greenpeace activists blockade Newlyn Harbour intent on stopping the boats from leaving the port to go fishing with gill nets.  Legally, as Newlyn is a designated port of refuge, there were legal implications. In the event, the fleet sailed as intended but not before the actions had caught the attention of the global media.

The Wendy Pulfrey and others fished on despite the attentions of the press and Greenpeace. Soon, Brussels and the Min of Ag and Fish (now Defra) - were instrumental in seeing a ban on the use of gill nets, later heralding in a new era of pole and line fishing as championed by Cornish Tuna.