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Breathing New Life into Newlyn’s Old Harbour The first stage of restoring Newlyn’s historic Old Harbour has been successfully completed, wi...

Monday, 3 October 2011

The advantages of a computerised fish auction.

Across the Channel, Yan Giron a technical advsior and consultant to the French and Breton fishing industry has just published a short video which demonstrates the power of a computerised fish auction in today's technologically advanced world. A world where buyers from all over the EU can bid live online at a number of auctions. As yet, Newlyn shows no signs of having such a system installed in order to compete with other markets like Plymouth, where an ever increasing amount of Newlyn fish is being sold - when the Louisa N, the latest beamer to join the Nowell's fleet, begins to land her fish there that will mean approaching £2.5million pounds worth of fish will not be passing across the market floor in the foreseeable future from their boats alone.
Director or Peche Fraiche, Yan Giron coined the term FLUXCRIEE (in English, Flux in Fish Auction) to identify his consultancy activities in favour of fish auctions providing technical assistance, diagnostics, information and communication management, improvement of logistics, first-sales market places monitoring and management of technical staff. You will discover his activities in the video.
FLUXCRIEE has been developed little by little, thanks to Yan's various efforts to support  fish auctions. These were in relation to various types of fish auctions, various sizes, coastal fishing activities and offshore fleets.
Peche Fraiche is an advisory and technical consultancy service available to all EU customers - more information on the bi-lingual site can be found here.