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Friday 23 September 2011

It's the same the whole world over........

 Wherever you are around the eastern coast of Sicily, Mount Etna dominates the skyline, rumbling away like some grumpy old uncle........
 down at sea level it's make do and mend, bits of an old Lambretta power this beach winch........ 
 with several examples of local craft at Giardini near Taormina high up on the sand......
 some have obviously been around longer than others.......
 no tide, no wind and 32˚..........
 one of the bigger boats in the local fleet that fish for tuna and swordfish in season.......
 with familiar variations on haulers.......
 on smaller punts too.......
the local fishermen's 'mission' is a scene familiar in every port........
for those with deep pockets the Villa Sant Andrea nestles in the cliff in a stunning location...... 
and at €52 for two OJs, a beer and a vodka and coke the service is impeccable!