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Wednesday 15 June 2011

Weedy Wednesday

Onshore winds in the Bay would have been seen as fortuitous years ago bringing local farmers down on the beach with their horses and carts collecting a summer harvest of free fertiliser - no doubt there are several laws that could be broken if such a thing were attempted today.......
just the one boat's fish on one end of the market......
while at the western end a good sized monk awaits the auctioneer's shout.......
along with a matched pair......
Nova Spero, on the turbot at the moment, but will she be putting up her tuna poles in the next few weeks?.........
a delicacy, selection of good monk cheeks, possibly Chelsea bound...........
some sort of harbour serpent on the move........
they don't come more immaculate than this, something of a show boat from the Nederlands, the steel barge, Nadim.........
with a counter stern all set for a few shady Pimms.......
with plenty of room inboard in weather like today - pure Cornish mizzle........
slip time for the Govenek of Ladram.........
more classic boats on the pontoon berths, the wooden yacht, Capraia.......
and travelling companion, Yvette.........
viewed from the waterline........
variation on the parlour pot theme aboard the St Ives boat, Midnight Express.

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