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Saturday 11 June 2011

The Ironman of Tuna.

Extreme pole and line fishing for tuna - with a commentary very much in the style of the day and using language that might seem a tad inappropriate today.  The Ironmen use bamboo poles, barbless hooks and fish on the side-deck up to their waists in water - wait for the moment the really big fish show up and it takes two or three men working together to board a fish that can travel at over 50 mph!

There are plenty of comments on YouTube regarding the sustainability f such a fishery - as someone says - if this was the only way to catch tuna then there would e plenty left in the sea today - how true. Compare fishing with pole and line to this.

Contrast the video above with Greenpeace's brush with the world's biggest tuna boat, the Spanish owned and flagged Albatun Tres, capable of holding 3,000 tons in her tanks.

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