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Sunday 5 June 2011

Azab - Azores and back race and they're off from Falmouth.

The leading yacht in this years Azab (Azores and back) race from Falmouth to the Azores and back can be seen heading SSW about twenty miles south of the Lizard on VesselTracker's AIS map......
the race can be followed in detail by using the AZAB web sites tracking page with live vessel tracking and race information on each yacht.......
another screen grab 24 hours after the start of the race shows La Promese in the lead  making a good 11 knots heading 225ยบ with 990 miles the finish.

This year there are a number of boats keeping blogs so that you can follow individual stories as they are reported direct from the boat. Here's an extract from one of the blogs with a reminder just how much AIS has improved safety at sea - especially itsability to identify small boats like fishing vessels and yachts in crowded waters and busy shipping lanes like those around Land's End.

"1st night

the start was very slow.. little wind and i found myself wishing i had a bigger headsail. slowly the wind built and backed and we are now making reasonable speeds towards the azores. the wind gen seems to take its toll on my boatspeed but on the plus side it makes a nice noise.
am in the company of some other competitors.called a ship up after looking at ais and the chap kindly changed course for me. AIS rocks..
all well on board
thanks again for all the messages.
current situaltion .
15 knots tws
7 knots bsp
1092 nm to go.."

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