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Monday 11 April 2011

Very much a red morning.

 That's the sorting and grading done on the market this morning........
 and a white surface is always sooooo tempting when your hands are black.......
 good run of quality fish from the big beamer........
as auctioneer Robin Turner holds court at the Western end of the market..........
Robin Turner, fish auctioneer in action......
 where there was a fine selection of JDs..........
 and even a box of monk roe for the connoisseur buyer.........
 red gurnards are red.........
 as is the Harvest Reaper seen here heading for fuel and ice........
and so are half the fleet it seems.........
 down the quay there is a new set of bridles to put aboard........
 and fuel on a beamer.........
 don't forget it's bin day today........
 alls e for the scallops........
boat For Sale.........
mini-scalloper  Katie Clare is on the hard.

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