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Friday 15 October 2010

Bass lines

The working deck of the crabber Intuition astern of the Sapphire taking ice......
last of the beamer trips to sell......
for its size, the John Dory has a huge mouth and reflects its voracious appetite......
not so big, and just enough to scrape the MLS and not likely to make the record books.......
unlike these bass being recorded by the CEFAS team......
who stress the need for fishermen to report every fish that comes aboard in order to protect and future quota allocation changes - this always provokes discussion between those who see the need to provide as much information as possible in order for the boats to build that all important track record for the future......
yet another big haul of Cornish Sardines for the Lyonesse.......
the Border Agency's Searcher graces the Stone Quay.

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