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Saturday 23 January 2021

Fishermen survey - environmentally friendly fishing gear.

Fishermen are invited to participate in the INdIGO survey which is looking to develop more environmentally friendly fishing gear which best meets their needs and expectations. 

The survey has two sections :

Section 1 : Technical questionnaire

This section will contribute to develop an inventory of the types of plastics currently in use in the fishing and aquaculture sectors. The results of the survey will enable the project to find out more about abandoned, lost and discarded fishing gear in order to assess what happens to it and to improve the recycling of end of life gear.

For this section, the Cefas (the Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science), will use their teams of Fisheries Observers to contact fishermen direct to conduct telephone interviews which will take about 15 minutes to complete.

Section 2 : Behaviour questionnaire

The aim is to identify what might or might not encourage fishermen to adopt fishing gear biodegradable in the marine environment.

The results gathered in this section of the survey will allow the project partners to improve and optimise the prototype fishing gear at each stage of manufacture. The fishermen will then be invited to test the new prototypes of fishing gear during their daily activities and give essential feedback on their use.

This section is to be completed directly online.

If you have any questions regarding this study, please contact: indigo.project@cefas.co.ukhttp://indigo-interregproject.eu/en/fishermen-survey/

Friday 22 January 2021

UK seafood exporters need more than money in wake of Brexit agreement, stakeholders say

U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson promised seafood businesses GBP 23 million (USD 31.5 million, EUR 26 million) in emergency aid this week in an effort to mitigate some of the strain caused by border delays resulting from the new customs and export certification requirements of the Brexit trade agreement.

The offering has received mixed reception, with questions being raised over whether its sufficient enough to support the industry through this difficult period.

Following Johnson’s funding pledge, a subsequent statement released by the U.K. government’s Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs (Defra) explained that the new financial support is in recognition of the “unique circumstances of the fishing sector,” which has faced the most significant new requirements under the trade agreement. Even a short delay can lead to goods perishing for the country’s fishing industry, Defra noted – at a time when it faces lower market prices and demand due to the pandemic.

The fund is targeted at fishing export businesses who can supply evidence of genuine loss in exporting fish and shellfish to the E.U., Defra said. Support will be available immediately and paid retrospectively to cover losses incurred since 1 January, 2021.

The scheme will be targeted at small- and medium-sized enterprises, and the maximum claim available to individual operators will be GBP 100,000 (USD 136,924, EUR 112,967). The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) will administer the scheme on behalf of exporters across the U.K., with more details being made available on eligibility criteria in the coming days, Defra said.

“This GBP 23 million scheme will provide crucial support for fishermen and seafood exporters, who have experienced delays and a lack of demand for fish from the restaurant industry in the U.K. and Europe,” Environment Secretary George Eustice said.“We are continuing to work closely with the fishing and aquaculture sectors to make sure that they are supported, and can continue to fish whilst contributing to the economies of our coastal communities.”

Seafood Scotland Chief Executive Donna Fordyce called the announcement “a step in the right direction.” After almost three weeks of the industry voicing its concerns and frustrations, the trade body said it welcomed the fact that the Scottish seafood sector had been heard and responded to with action.

However, Fordyce said that during the wait for full details of the package to be made public, there will be questions around the extent to which it supports the entire supply chain – from fleet to export.

“As we currently understand it, the deal offers crucial short-term assistance and includes much to be welcomed, particularly the GBP 23 million of new funding,” she said. “It is also reassuring to see that the processing sector is set to be included in future support packages. This will offer a ray of light to some small- and medium-sized companies that have experienced crippling losses over the past few weeks. However, larger companies and smaller shellfish boats are still vulnerable, and will be hoping that they can access support too.”

For fuller repair to occur, Fordyce said, the sector needs to be afforded time and grace.

“Money will offer a much-needed sticking plaster covering the losses over the last few weeks, but to completely staunch the wound, the sector still needs a period of grace during which the systems must be overhauled so they are fit for purpose,” she said.

Scottish Rural Economy Secretary Fergus Ewing said the Scottish government was pleased to see the U.K. government had recognized the calls for compensation, but that it also feared the support may not go far enough. This may be “too little, too late for some businesses that have been left to rot” as a result of the extensive bureaucracy forced on them by a poor Brexit deal and failing U.K. IT systems, he said.

"Whilst we desperately need more detail, it does appear almost certain that the vast majority of fishing vessels who land but don’t export directly will not be covered by this scheme, which is beyond any rational explanation. The U.K. government must step up for all affected businesses. They simply cannot deny the impact that non-tariff barriers are having following the U.K. government’s decision to leave both the single market and customs union of, by far, our largest market,” Ewing said. “They must ensure that their compensation package is open to all whose business has been interrupted or harmed by any aspect of the new export requirements – any attempt to apply conditions or boundaries will render the scheme meaningless and pointless.”

The issues at play, according to Ewing, are grander than initially stated.

“It must be said that as desperately needed as this compensation is for affected businesses, this is merely a sticking plaster for much wider issues and not ‘teething problems’ as has previously been claimed. I again reiterate my call for the U.K. government to immediately rectify their IT problems and seek a grace period with the E.U.,” Ewing said.

Ewing added that it was “unacceptable” that the U.K. government did not consult with the Scottish government on the funding package, as the devolved governments “are clearly best-placed” to take decisions and administer spending in their areas.

“We proved this with our schemes to provide support for all businesses affected by the pandemic – to exclude us from this scheme will delay speed of its delivery and further jeopardize Scottish seafood businesses,” he said.

Since 1 January, U.K. seafood exports to the E.U. require specific procedures, customs declarations, Catch Certificates and Export Health Certificates (EHCs). By Jason Holland January 21, 2021

Full story courtesy of Jason Holland.

“I regret voting leave”

“I regret voting leave” the owner of one of Devon’s largest fish exporters said he was brainwashed by Brexiteers, now his business is facing ruin because of Brexit.

Ian Perks runs a huge fish export company in Devon. Recently, the massive piles of paperwork have left him in a really difficult situation.

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Thursday 21 January 2021

£23 million pounds support fund for our beleaguered fishing industry.


The government has unveiled details of a £23m fund to support fishing firms as it tries to quell industry anger over Brexit border delays.

The money will help firms whose exports to the EU have fallen sharply since rules changed on 1 January.

Fishing firms say extra paperwork has made it difficult to deliver fresh produce to the EU before it goes off, hammering their businesses.

One trade group called the fund "welcome" but a "sticking plaster".

On Monday, fish exporters held demonstrations outside government departments in central London, warning their livelihoods were under threat.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson admitted many had experienced "bureaucratic delays [and] difficulties getting their goods through" to buyers on the other side of the channel.

Fishing firms protest over post-Brexit disruption 'My £50,000 shellfish lorry was delayed for a day' Having left the EU's customs union and the single market, UK exports are subject to new customs and veterinary checks which have caused problems at the border.

Covid has worsened the issue, with the industry also facing lower market prices and demand from restaurants due to the pandemic.

New border rules The government said the scheme would be targeted at small and medium-sized fishing businesses who will be able to claim a maximum of £100,000 to cover losses.

Chief Secretary to the Treasury Steve Barclay said: "This further £23m package of support will help our hardworking fishing sector navigate the challenges of the next few months.

"It is vital that no community nor region within our United Kingdom is left behind as we continue to support British jobs and build back better from the coronavirus pandemic."

In addition to funding, the government will provide further training to help fishing businesses adapt to the new export processes.

Separately, the prime minister committed to providing a further £100m to help modernise UK fishing fleets and the fish processing industry.

'Sticking plaster' Donna Fordyce, chief executive of Seafood Scotland, said: "After almost three weeks of voicing their concerns and frustrations, we welcome the fact that the Scottish seafood sector has been heard and action is being taken.

"This [fund] will offer a ray of light to some small and medium-sized companies that have experienced crippling losses over the past few weeks."

However, while the money was "a much-needed sticking plaster", she said it would not "completely staunch the wound".

"The sector still needs a period of grace during which the [new trade] systems must be overhauled so they are fit for purpose."

Here is the full press release on the government website:

New financial support for the UK’s fishing businesses that export to the EU £23 million to support businesses affected by the COVID pandemic and adjusting to new export requirements.

Seafood exporters across the UK will receive government funding of up to £23 million, to support businesses which have been most adversely affected by the COVID pandemic and the challenges of adjusting to new requirements for exporting.

This is in recognition of the unique circumstances of the fishing sector, which has had the most significant new requirements to adjust to, and for whom even a short delay can lead to goods perishing - at a time when the industry is facing lower market prices and demand due to the pandemic.

The fund will be targeted at fishing export businesses who can evidence a genuine loss in exporting fish and shellfish to the EU. Support will be available immediately and paid retrospectively to cover losses incurred since 1 January 2021. The scheme will be targeted at small and medium enterprises and the maximum claim available to individual operators will be £100,000.

The Marine Management Organisation will administer the scheme on behalf of exporters across the UK. More details will be available on eligibility criteria in the coming days. The Government will be consulting industry across the UK and working with the devolved administrations on these eligibility criteria before they are confirmed.

Environment Secretary, George Eustice said: 

This £23 million scheme will provide crucial support for fishermen and seafood exporters, who have experienced delays and a lack of demand for fish from the restaurant industry in the UK and Europe.

We are continuing to work closely with the fishing and aquaculture sectors to make sure that they are supported, and can continue to fish whilst contributing to the economies of our coastal communities.

The Chief Secretary to the Treasury, Steve Barclay said: 

This further £23 million package of support will help our hardworking fishing sector navigate the challenges of the next few months.

It is vital that no community nor region within our United Kingdom is left behind as we continue to support British jobs and build back better from the coronavirus pandemic.

UK Government Minister for Scotland David Duguid said: 

This funding announcement is the latest step in the UK Government’s continued engagement with the senior representatives of the industry to identify specific problems and to apply rapid solutions. Those conversations are, of course, aimed at addressing immediate concerns, and at finding longer-term, sustainable solutions to the challenges that the industry faces.

Working with Scottish seafood business leaders, we want to get the best out of our exit from the Common Fisheries Policy and the opportunities that presents, as well maximising the investment package delivered by the UK Government.

In addition to funding, the UK Government will provide further support to businesses in adapting to new export processes. Defra and HMRC will be offering targeted, proactive and hands on support to fisheries exporters to help them successfully meet the new requirements. This includes a new training package and focused workshop sessions.

Seafood exports to the EU require specific procedures, customs declarations, Catch Certificates and Export Health Certificates (EHCs) and businesses have adapted to these requirements at speed. As seafood is a perishable product with a ‘just in time’ supply chain, it is important that the sector can export quickly.

The UK Government has been working closely with the seafood industry and individual businesses to support them through this period and to ensure that any errors or problems are tackled as early as possible. The situation has been improving over the last week and the flow of goods is improving, but we will do more.

Support provided to the industry includes:

Issuing clear guidance on the required IT forms to stakeholder representative groups, hauliers and businesses. 

Twice-weekly meetings with businesses to understand and address issues as they arise. 

Working closely with individual businesses to help them get used to the new procedures required to ensure that errors or problems are tackled early. 

UK Government is stepping up extra physical resources to support certification in Scottish Hubs 

The UK Government has provided two specialist certifiers to support Food Standards Scotland and DFDS over the last week 

An experienced certifying officer from Defra is also currently in Lanarkshire supporting Official Veterinarians with the issuing of health certificates APHA has additional Official Veterinarians on standby, available to Scottish Hubs, to support exporters if required. 

Working with French authorities to ensure that minor administrative issues associated with EHCs have not prevented goods from entering the market and with the EU Commission to help member states adopt consistent approaches. 

Providing extensive guidance as part of a range of measures to help the industry meet new export requirements, including training, regular engagement and weekly bulletins. 

Separately, the Prime Minister has also committed to providing a £100m fund to help modernise fishing fleets, the fish processing industry, and rejuvenate a historic and proud industry in the UK, on top of the £32m that will replace EU funding this year.

Now we have left the Common Fisheries Policy, as an independent coastal state, the UK has taken its independent seat at the Regional Fisheries Management Organisations, including the North East Atlantic Fisheries Commission and the North Atlantic Fisheries Organisation. We have put in place a bilateral agreement with the EU, and a partnership agreement with Norway.

The UK-EU agreement returns 25% of the EU’s catch in UK waters (worth £146m) to Scottish, English, Welsh and Northern Irish fishermen, beginning at 15%. Increases in quota this year include key fish stocks such as North Sea cod, from 47% to 57 and North Sea hake, from 18% to 54% with a mechanism to exchange quota between the UK and EU.

The fishing industry has already been hit by the reduction in demand from the hospitality sector in the UK and other export markets as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic with market prices falling by as much as 40%. The measures announced today will therefore support the industry across the UK, during this challenging time and follow an unprecedented package of financial support already announced.

This financial support is in addition to the £9 million of support provided last year to support the sector in England, and support provided by the devolved administrations.

Tuesday 19 January 2021

Shellfish exports and red tape - what will it take?


After years of pro leave campaigners claiming Brexit would be a huge success for the fishing industry, the opposite has happened.

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Monday 18 January 2021

Brexit - Condemnation north and south of the border

Widespread condemnation of the Brexit deal for fishing is being reported in the media, from the leader of Plymouth City Council here in the South West to Scotland Fishermen's Federation:

Over-promised and under-delivered; that’s the reality of the new fishing trade agreement with the EU says Councillor Tudor Evans OBE and the fishermen of Plymouth.

The Leader of Plymouth City Council has written a letter to George Eustice MP, Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs to express his disappointment at the trade agreement on fishing struck with the EU.

He said: “Plymouth is not only a major fishing port but also a regional hub for the South West industry. All around the coast fishing fleets located in harbours that no longer have auctions and merchant bases to support them or sales of their fish and rely on Plymouth trawler agents to do so.

“This is an industry not just valued for its economic contribution to our city, but its significance to our heritage. That is why I, along with the industry as a whole, are enormously disappointed by what has been delivered in this ‘oven ready’ Brexit deal.

“Fishing was highlighted as a key example of the EU stifling British industry. We were told that outside of the EU people working in the fishing industry would prosper, with exclusive access to our territorial waters and a much fairer share of the fish that’s in it. This trade deal does not achieve any of the promises that were made. Foreign vessels will still have access to UK territorial water and ironically there will be far more red tape for our exporters to deal with.

“Somehow this Brexit deal has managed to deliver all the bad bits and none of the good bits.”

The Council leader called for a number of measures to support the industry:

    • A substantial and targeted funding package - Ministers announced £100m will be made available for ‘modernising trawlers and fish processing’ but more substantial funds will be needed as over 75 per cent of the English fleet is over 20-years-old. Port infrastructure will also need updating. In Plymouth the Council is working with the industry and the port authority to develop proposals for a modern market and fish quay fit for the 21st Century, which would help to drive efficiencies for the whole supply chain.
    • A decommissioning scheme - The Government is looking to strengthen marine conservation measures and further restrict some fishing activities. While we support measures to protect the marine environment, the impact on some fishermen whose traditional grounds would be closed to them should be recognised. Reducing the size of the fleet would help avoid displacement problems and gear conflicts, improve the profitability of remaining businesses and assist the Government to deliver its objective of a modern, sustainable and profitable fleet. Fishermen in Plymouth and elsewhere, in particular those with boats under 10 metres, understand their local fishing grounds will not be protected from EU access. They also understand they are unlikely to receive any big windfalls of quotas they were expecting. As a result they are asking for serious consideration of an urgent decommissioning scheme.
    • Distribution of quota - The quota system should be more transparent and support a diverse fleet. Allocations should take into account the effects on the entire supply chain, with a direct link between quota allocation and benefits to coastal communities. Given the hardships experienced by the industry here, we ask that priority is given to assisting the south west industry. Safety and wellbeing of fishermen - Improved rest and social facilities for fishermen, greater hands-on business support and means of enhancing the earnings of fishermen.
    • A new model of community engagement - We want a genuine collaborative approach that sees DEFRA and its agencies working with the Council and the LEP alongside the local fishing industry. We in Plymouth stand ready to meet this challenge.
    • Improve the operation of regulatory processes - An urgent need for more effective liaison and communication on regulatory systems governing exports to the EU. Problems have arisen which go beyond expected teething difficulties.

He added: “This is not the time for recrimination but a time for central and local government to roll up their sleeves and fix these bottlenecks. It is not important at this stage if the problems are user error or system error, the knock on effects of export stalling means more fish is left on the market for the UK trade to attempt to sell in the middle of a pandemic with the hospitality trade closed down.

“Our fishing fleets are indeed facing the perfect storm. Brexit should be used as an opportunity to strengthen this industry in cities like ours. Fishing is more than just work in Plymouth, it’s in our blood and this council will continue to fight for it.”

A copy of the letter is also being sent to the Robert Jenrick, the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government.

and then from Scotland's SFF which represents the entire cross-section of fishermen's associations in Scotland.

Letter to Prime Minister from SFF Chief Executive

Dear Prime Minister

I am writing to you as the second week of 2021 draws to a close, and our industry is facing mounting financial losses. Many fishing vessels are tied to the quay wall. Of the others that can go to sea, some are now making a 72-hour round trip to land fish in Denmark, as the only way to guarantee that their catch will make a fair price and actually find its way to market while still fresh enough to meet customer demands.

This, on top of the desperately poor deal on fisheries in the Trade and Cooperation Agreement, is not what you promised the fishing industry. In your letter to me of 6th July, you said: “We are simply not prepared to agree to an arrangement that is manifestly unbalanced and against the interests of the UK fishing industry.” Yet that is what has been agreed. You also said: “We are committed to ensuring there are annual negotiations for access to, and sharing of, fishing opportunities, based on the principle of zonal attachment.” Yet we find ourselves with an outcome where the EU fleet will continue to have full and unfettered access to UK waters until the middle of 2026, and should the UK want to change these arrangements at that point, the EU can impose a suite of punitive sanctions on the UK. No other coastal state in the world is in this position.

You and your Government have spun a line about a 25% uplift in quota for the UK, but you know this is not true, and your deal does not deliver that. The adjustment in shares falls very far short of your stated policy of basing these on zonal attachment. While there are some modest increases for some commercially important stocks, these fall very far short of zonal attachment. North Sea herring is a good example – under zonal attachment, the UK’s share would be around 90%. Your deal moves the UK share from 24.5% to 32.2% over five years – this can hardly be claimed as a resounding success. Of major concern, however, is the outcome for many key whitefish species. Your deal actually leaves the Scottish industry in a worse position on more than half of the key stocks and now facing acute problems with North Sea cod and saithe in particular.

This industry now finds itself in the worst of both worlds. Your deal leaves us with shares that not only fall very far short of zonal attachment, but in many cases fail to “bridge the gap” compared to historic catches, and with no ability to leverage more fish from the EU, as they have full access to our waters. This, coupled with the chaos experienced since 1st January in getting fish to market means that many in our industry now fear for their future, rather than look forward to it with optimism and ambition.

Your deal does provide a glimmer of hope for better times ahead, beyond 2026, if whoever is in power then makes the right decision – the decision that you should have made – for the UK to genuinely be an independent coastal state, and not one in name only. It was encouraging to hear George Eustice tell Parliament yesterday that the government will do this, though of course neither he nor you can guarantee who will be in power and able to make this decision in 2026. But this must be the goal to focus on. Your deal has failed the industry in the short term, but there is scope to rights its wrongs, and your Government needs to commit to doing everything that it can to achieve this.

The current situation however is such that many in the seafood supply chain fear they will not survive to see that opportunity materialise. You committed to the Liaison Committee this week that fishing businesses affected by the delays in getting fish to market since 1st January will be compensated for their losses, so we expect to see the details of this compensation scheme as a matter of urgency, and of course this must be new money, and not taken from the £100 million that you have already announced for investment and innovation.

There is huge disappointment and a great deal of anger about your failure to deliver on promises made repeatedly to this industry. We will have another chance to revisit this in 2026, so there is much to do between now and then to prepare the ground for that. But for now, the priorities must be your government securing enough fish though the talks currently taking place with the EU and Norway for 2021 to, as a minimum, bridge the gap that your deal failed to, and acting immediately to stem the losses that are mounting up and compensate those businesses already affected.

Your sincerely

Elspeth Macdonald

Chief Executive, Scottish Fishermen’s Federation

Friday 15 January 2021

A reminder that, in reality, fishing recognises neither border, nor state of mind or possession of ownership.

Tom, the memorial fisherman in Newlyn looks out towards the Lizard...

where, 16 years ago today, the Breton trawler Bugaled Breizh sank with the loss of all hands - the subsequent enquiry is yet to complete ...

sixteen years later and the focus is still very much on what is happening across the channel where countrywide lockdowns in France, Spain and Portugal continue to affect fish prices and issues with paperwork contrive to halt, delay or curtail certain fish exports...

with Covid affecting crews, fish like hake hard to find and an abundance of dogfish all over the grounds...

the netting fleet are currently staying in port...

so, there is little in the way of 'sunlit uplands' for fishermen throughout the UK even though the fish they are catching, we are now led to believe, are not only 'British' fish but 'better and happy' as a result...

even though Newlyn fish market tells a different story where this week one 800kg landing of dogfish made 12p per kilo, ray wings 8p and the crew of one of the better off netters made £200 a man for their trip - a netter makes around 24 trips a year so averaging that out and you are looking at an annual salary of £4800 - but still, at the very least, it must be very encouraging for UK fishermen to know the fish they catch are happy now. I'm sure many of the skippers and crews down the quay would warmly welcome the opportunity of a visit from Mr Rees-Mogg and the chance to tell him so to his face.

Brexit and freedom from the CFP may yet bring dividends of course...

the Fishermen's Arms has yet to re-open after a fire severely damaged the pub 18 months ago...

there's nothing for the netters to do but maintaIn their nets and hope the sitUation will resolve itseLf sooner rather than later...

in the meantime skippers like young William Worth and his crew will still be going to sea in the hope of catching enough of those better and happy fish to cover running costs and put a wage on the table.

Sad news from France today - in the early hours of this morning the French trawler Breiz capsized and sank with the loss of three lives.