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Monday 16 November 2020

Brexit: Time to debunk myth of bad deal for British fishermen

In Ireland more than 16,000 jobs are dependent on fisheries which is worth an annual €1.2bn to our economy. 

The UK has netted over €1bn in last 10 years as result of fishing rights negotiated by EU.

As Britain continues to promote a self-serving narrative around reclaiming its waters and doubling its fish catch after it has fully pulled up the Brexit drawbridge, it’s an opportune time to reflect on the significant gains which the UK has savoured while part of the European Union and its Common Fishery Policy.

It has suited the rhetoric of Boris Johnson – and others before him such as Nigel Farage – to emphasise how much better Britain can do alone and how, when it comes to fisheries, leaving the EU will be bonanza for UK fishermen.

The reality is the UK are in for one almighty wake-up call.

As a result of favourable fisheries deals negotiated by the EU with non-EU states since Britain joined the then EEC in 1973, the UK has netted more than €1 billion worth of additional fish above and beyond what they would have ordinarily been entitled to in the last 10 years alone.

It stands to reason that when you leave a club, you relinquish the benefits which that membership afforded. Therefore Britain cannot expect to retain benefits it enjoyed while an EU member in any future trade agreement.

Moreover, in all of the complex, multifaceted and what have ultimately become tetchy negotiations around fisheries, the UK has spoken boisterously of blocking its erstwhile European colleagues from its waters and doubling its catch.

It would be rank hypocrisy for the UK to expect to slam the door and hold on to its valuable wins that have generated €100 million annually for its fisheries sector since 2010.

North’s ports will find it ‘very challenging’ to be ready for Brexit changes Brexit explainer: What are the main sticking points in the talks? 

Brexit talks enter difficult phase as Coveney says ‘we’re running out of time’ With Britain now playing hard ball on fisheries, EU negotiators led by Michel Barnier must spell out clearly that the starting point in any fisheries negotiations has to exclude these additional catches obtained by Britain when part of the EU.

The European Council has stated that if a deal is not reached on fisheries, there will not be a trade agreement. That’s how crucial this facet of negotiation has become for everybody, not just fishermen.

On one level, the UK’s demands are at best disingenuous, at worst dishonest and undeliverable. A nation cannot simply double its fishing quota. Fish know no borders and jurisdiction over waters does not equate to jurisdiction over fish.

Under the United Nations Law of the Sea Convention and the Straddling Fish Stocks Agreement, coastal states have sovereignty over the living resources in their territorial waters while simultaneously having a duty to co-operate for the conservation of resources shared with neighbouring coastal states.

The sea convention’s implementation agreement, in particular the aspect which deals with straddling fish and highly migratory stocks, establishes duties for coastal states and states fishing on the high seas. It reiterates the duty of these states to co-operate for the conservation of living resources. Furthermore, it is important to remember that state parties must apply the precautionary approach – and the obligation of co-operation between coastal states and all other states whose fleets fish these stocks in the adjacent high seas area. The doubling of the catch by the UK government would be in contravention of both the sea convention and straddling stocks agreement. The UK is a signatory to both these documents.

Why then is the UK making these impossible demands on fishing rights? Simply put, the issue has become totemic when it comes to Brexit. Neither side wants to give an inch on fisheries and it is probably the only negotiating space where Britain feels it has the upper hand. British fishermen have long complained that they have got a raw deal from the EU, ever since joining along with Ireland and Denmark back in 1973. This could not be further from the truth as a cool top-up worth €1 billion over 10 years attests. The time for debunking myths is nigh.

Muddle and bluff The European Council has given its fishing industry a timely injection of hope and confidence in mandating Mr Barnier to stand firm, thereby forcing the UK to make the necessary moves to reach an agreement on fisheries.

The council’s endorsement in mid-October comes at a critical juncture in the talks, with Britain continuing to muddle and bluff but ultimately remaining in negotiations.

Our organisation, the European Fisheries Alliance, which was established less than two months after the British vote to exit the EU, sets out to protect the interests of fleets from national organisations in Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, the Netherlands, Poland, Spain and Sweden.

The alliance accounts for more than 18,000 fishermen and 3,500 vessels with an annual turnover €20.7 billion. We have spelled out repeatedly the catastrophic consequences which a disorderly Brexit would have for the thousands of people dependent on this sector across Europe.

In Ireland alone, more than 16,000 jobs are dependent on fisheries which is worth an annual €1.2 billion to our economy. More than a third of our catch is drawn from UK waters with an even higher dependence where stocks such as mackerel and prawn are concerned. Irish fishermen source 60 per cent and 40 per cent respectively of their catch of these two species in UK waters.

Our position remains crystal clear. We have continually stated that we will not sign up to anything other than reciprocal access to fishing waters between the UK and the EU as well as maintaining our quota shares and ensuring the sustainable management of the stocks.

These are absolutely paramount for the ongoing health of the European fishing industry. Now it is more important than ever that we do not blink. We must hold our ground and reach a deal to continue managing shared stocks in a sustainable manner. One that works for fishermen all over Europe, not just our erstwhile EU colleagues in Britain.

Full story courtesy Sean O'Donoghue writing in the Irish Times.

One for the diary: How to bring the EU Fisheries Control Regulation into to digital age and deliver on the European Green Deal.

MEP Clara Aguilera, rapporteur of the Fisheries Control Regulation, and MEP Pierre Karleskind, chair of the Fisheries Committee, together with the EU Fisheries Control Coalition are pleased to announce a virtual event to discuss how the Fisheries Control Regulation can help deliver the European Green Deal and make fisheries fit for the digital age.

The ambition of the Common Fisheries Policy can only be fulfilled if efficient and coherent rules are in place both to ensure the appropriate level of oversight, and also guarantee the reliability of catch data. The EU’s fisheries Control Regulation is – together with the Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) fishing Regulation – the cornerstone of its fisheries control system. It sets the rules applicable to the monitoring and control of EU fishing vessels and its implementation has wide-ranging implications for EU fishers, consumers and the marine environment.

The European Commission’s proposal for the revision of the fisheries control system puts forward measures to make the system more effective and efficient, in a way that begins to address both identified loopholes that undermine harmonised fisheries controls across EU Member States, and also the unreliable and incomplete nature of existing catch data. It is now in the hands of the European Parliament and the Council of Ministers to increase the ambition of the control system to ensure a proper level playing field across the EU for fishers and everyone who depends on our marine environment.

Join our panel of international experts for an exciting discussion on how a new EU Fisheries C
ontrol Regulation can help to make EU fisheries future proof; exploring the links between controlling fisheries and the EU’s green and digital ambitions. 

Sunday 15 November 2020

Stark figures over fish caught by EU vessels revealed in new report.

More than half of the fish and shellfish caught in Shetland waters is landed by EU fishing boats, while the local fleet gets less than one sixth

That is according to figures in a new report by Dr Ian Napier of the NAFC Marine Centre UHI. The report says a third of all fish and shellfish landed from UK waters come from Shetland’s so-called “Exclusive Economic Zone” (EEZ).

Drawing on official figures for an area of 127,000 km2 around Shetland, bounded by Faroese, Norwegian and the remainder of UK waters, Dr Napier calculated that local vessels landed 14 per cent of the fish and shellfish by weight and 21 per cent by value. But EU boats are said to have landed 56 per cent by weight and 38 per cent by value, with other UK vessels making up the remainder. Executive officer of Shetland Fishermen’s Association Simon Collins said: 

 “We’ve long known that Shetland’s waters are teeming with fish and that under the Common Fisheries Policy EU vessels are permitted to plunder our traditional fishing grounds.

“What this report does is illustrate in detail just how bad the situation has become, and how severe the imbalance is. It serves as a reminder, if one were needed, to the UK’s Brexit negotiators that they must resist all attempts by the EU to maintain the status quo. “The UK must have control of its own waters and have the power to determine who gets access to our stocks.”

In all, 450,000 tonnes of fish and shellfish worth £370m was landed from the “Shetland EEZ” by UK and EU boats annually from 2016 to 2018. On average, Shetland boats landed 120,000 tonnes worth £116m, 63,000 tonnes and £77m of which was caught in the “Shetland EEZ”.
 Pelagic fish dominated catches – four fifths (79 per cent) by weight and more than half (58 per cent) by value, with demersal fish accounting for 18 per cent by weight and 38 per cent by value. 

The “Shetland EEZ” accounts for 17 per cent of the UK EEZ and just over a quarter (27 per cent) of the Scottish part of the UK EEZ.

Full story courtesy of the S

Saturday 14 November 2020

The ecological disturbance caused by fishing in the North Sea.

Theoretical models linking species diversity to disturbance consider disturbance to be the alteration of population mortality rates caused by the specified perturbation. Current knowledge of the ecological disturbance caused by fishing to marine fish and benthic invertebrate communities is reviewed. This review considers the various components of mortality caused by fishing (eg landings, discards, trawl escapees, etc) and examines the information currently available, or required, to determine the importance of each component in assessing the mortality of fish and benthos caused by fishing.

Landings data provide an estimate of part of the mortality of fish caused by fishing activity in the North Sea. Thus international landings databases were compiled for seven key target species by fishing gear, rectangle and year over the period 1997 to 2004.

Data were provided by theUK (England, Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland), The Netherlands, Germany and Norway. Data were aggregated to the lowest common gear category.  Annual variation at the North Sea scale in the data supplied by these countries very closely matched similar data supplied to ICES for use in the annual stock assessment process, confirming the veracity of the MAFCONS dataset.

Landings data included in the MAFCONS data base represented a high proportion of totalNorth Sea landings, suggesting that fishing by these nations accounted for most of the fishing disturbance taking place in the North Sea. Of the seven main species, saithe and cod were the two with significant proportions of total North Sea landings taken by countries outside the MAFCONS consortium.

Spatial distributions of landings by all gears are reported by year, and by gear and country for two separate time periods.For components of the marine ecosystem beyond the targeted commercial species, landings data provide little indication of fishing disturbance  For these species, fishing disturbance must be modelled based on data that quantify levels of fishing activity; fishing effort data.

To do this, international fishing effort data bases were compiled for most countries participating in the MAFCONS project. Again these data were compiled by ICES rectangle, gear category, and year over the period 1997 to 2004 in terms of hours spent fishing.

For two countries, Scotland and the Netherlands, data, in terms of hours-effort, were not available and had to be modelled on the basis of days-absent from port.No landings or effort data were available for Belgian, Danish, French, and Swedish fishing vessels, countries that all prosecute significant fisheries in the North Sea. Landings and effort by these countries were therefore modelled.

Annual variation and spatial trends in these modelled data were examined and assessed by comparison with all available information.Generally the modelled output was deemed acceptable.

It was therefore considered advisable to include these data in the MAFCONS data base so as to examine variation in all fishing activity taking place in the North Sea, rather than simply just ignoring the significant components of fishing activity associated with countries that were not part of the MAFCONS consortium. MAFCONS reported and modelled total annual landings data closely matched landings data reported by ICES, suggesting that the MAFCONS database accurately reflected the actual fishing situation in the North Sea.

Total landings in the North Sea fell by 40% over the period1997 to 2004.

When this overall reduction in landings was taken into account, spatial distributions in the total landings of each species, and in the landings of each species by gear, were relatively consistent over time.

Total fishing effort declined by 28% since 1999, with some countries (eg England and Scotland) more affected than others. 

  • Beam trawling was primarily asouthern North Sea activity. 
  • Otter trawling occurred throughout the North Sea but was more prevalent in the northern North Sea.
  • Seine netting occurred mainly in the northern North Sea.

These distributions were consistent over time.Models were developed for both the fish and benthic invertebrate communities to convert the observed patterns of fishing activity to indices of fishing mortality. The benthic invertebrate model utilised recent meta-analysis studies to determine “per fishing event” mortality rates for various benthic invertebrate fauna.

Recent studies of the Dutch beam trawl fleet have suggested that at small spatial scale, the distribution of fishing activity follows a Poisson distribution.

Knowing tow velocity, tow duration, and gear width for each fishing metier, the mean fishing frequency in each rectangle can be determined from the fishing effort statistics. Application of the Poisson distribution then enables the distribution of fishing frequencies in 900small sub-units of each rectangle to be determined, which, given the “per fishing event” mortality rates, allows the total benthic mortality in each ICES rectangle to be estimated.

Rather than being linear, the relationships between fishing effort and mortality were strongly asymptotically curvilinear. The model was applied to the observed fishing effort data assuming a “generic”benthic invertebrate community and using actual observed epibenthic species abundance data.The model indicated that rectangles of moderate fishing effort had mortality rates almost as hig has high fishing effort rectangles.

Consequently the area of high benthic impact from fishing was more widespread that might have been suggested by the fishing effort data alone.The fish mortality model utilised swept area estimates combined with estimates of local abundance (density), and making assumptions about catchability, determined the likely number of fish taken in each fishing event.

The number of fishing events in each rectangle was estimated from the fishing effort statistics, knowing mean tow duration for each type of fishing activity. The model was used to determine annual rates of fishing mortality for each species recorded in the Dutch beam trawl survey. Spatial distributions in mortality were presented.Estimates of fishing disturbance to the fish community were also derived directly from the landings data.

Estimates of discard levels for each commercial species are provided each yearby the stock assessments. These were used to raise landings to total catch, with corrections applied to account for the non-target species. Total catches in each ICES rectangle were converted to “exploitation” rate indices by dividing them by estimates of the abundance of fish present.

To read the full project paper download from here

Friday 13 November 2020

Check with cameras for absolute red line.

Looks like Dutch fishermen are gearing up for a showdown with regard to using CCTV aboard fishing vessels as a means of monitoring caches. CCTV is one of several means by which the UK might seek to monitor fishing efforts of EU states within its territorial waters after January 1st when we 'take back control' of our waters:

"Many see Closed Circuit TV camera surveillance (CCTV) as an ideal system for perfecting the control of the landing obligation. This is and will remain absolutely unacceptable for VisNed, precisely because we have practical experience and see that cameras on board a ship cannot be an adequate form of control, certainly not for the landing obligation, for example.

In the monthly consultation on Implementation Agenda Landing Obligation, government, science, regulators and the sector consult on all kinds of policy and practical matters concerning the landing obligation.

All the parties mentioned are convinced that the landing obligation in its current form should never have been introduced because it is unworkable. This landing obligation is neither feasible nor enforceable (by the fishermen) and not enforceable (by the government).

The landing obligation has not yet come to a complete standstill in fishing practice, thanks to the series of exemptions and exemptions. For example, the beam trawl 80 - 119 mm does not have to keep undersized plaice on board and land thanks to an exception due to 'high survival', an exception granted because the Fully Documented Fisheries (FDF) project runs from VisNed.

This project, which involves research into camera registrations, in which seven beam trawlers in the Netherlands participate. The enforceability of the landing obligation remains a problem, but cameras are not a solution for this, at most they can be used as an aid to automate the mandatory registration.

The Netherlands is against the use of cameras as a means of control 

Within Europe (Member States, European Commission, European Parliament and also the European Control Agency), consideration is being given to the (mandatory) use of cameras to monitor what comes on board and whether or not it is stored in the fish hold or discarded.

There is rightly a lot of resistance against this, also from the Netherlands. The government, including the NVWA, sees many (practical) objections to the use of cameras as a means of control, but this should be communicated more clearly in Europe.

NSAC advises on on-board cameras

A focus group from the North Sea Advisory Council (NSAC) has started discussions about the use of cameras as a means of control. The NSAC wants to provide balanced and nuanced advice on this complex subject. An NSAC advice is important because it is a joint advice from fisheries and NGOs.

That is no guarantee for success, but it can make a contribution. In the meantime, Europêche and the European Association of POs (EAPO) are also working on a joint position paper on the subject of cameras on board. Based on our practical experience, VisNed can make a clear contribution to the discussion about what works and what certainly doesn't work.

Red line

During the last meeting of the Implementation Agenda, the VisNed representation drew a clear red line. If politicians, policy and/or supervision nevertheless make a move in favour of camera surveillance as a means of control, VisNed will pull the plug from the current FDF project with immediate effect, regardless of the consequences for the exemption for the supply of undersized plaice (which in principle runs until 2023).

VisNed wants to contribute with this project to look at improving data collection with the help of FDF, but we are definitely not going to howl with the wolves in the forest.

We are diametrically opposed to the NGOs, policymakers and politicians in Europe who, based on erroneous assumptions, believe that cameras are the ultimate means of monitoring and spying on fishing activities. There can be no doubt and/or ambiguity about this."

Full story from the Visned website.

Another Dutch Brexit related story appeared on the Trouw.nl website today.

Thursday 12 November 2020

Deep Sea - French inshore fishing initiative.

Too often we think that the problems we are dealing with are our problems and unique to us. More often than not if we take the time to look over the fence we see our neighbours are dealing with the same or similar problems. Fishing is no exception. 

Right now French inshore fishermen are dealing with the same issues as UK fishermen, Brexit, factory vessels in the Channel, offshore vessels working inshore, Covid-19 and of course, Brexit. All of which are making their businesses every bit as precarious as those of UK inshore fishermen. On top of this, French fishermen are very wary of the work many NGOs carry out on their behalf championing 'Blue Growth' - a brighter future where protecting fish stocks and the environment are seemingly top of the agenda.

The aim of the Deep Sea Association (Pleine Mer) is to protect the inshore fishermen of France - their raison-d'être is simple - to do what is necessary to ensure there is an industry to hand on to the sons and daughters of existing fishing communities.

Their aims are outlined below:

The Pleine Mer association wishes to contribute to a sustainable transition of fishing in favour of the men and women who practice it, citizens and the environment. Its purpose is the protection of the oceans as well as the support for the development of sustainable management methods and modes in fishing and aquatic farming. It aims to carry out actions in this direction with all possible means of action: awareness raising and training intended for the general public, State representatives in the economic world, advocacy, communication, legal actions, support for associative, private and public. The members of the association are professional fishermen, researchers, engaged citizens, or even fish consumers who identify with the projects carried by the collective.

Our purpose The Pleine Mer association wishes to contribute to a sustainable transition of fishing in favor of the men and women who practice it, citizens and the environment. Its purpose is the protection of the oceans as well as the support for the development of sustainable management methods and modes in fishing and aquatic farming. It aims to carry out actions in this direction with all possible means of action: awareness raising and training intended for the general public, State representatives in the economic world, advocacy, communication, legal actions, support for associative, private and public. The members of the association are professional fishermen, researchers, engaged citizens, or even fish consumers who identify with the projects carried by the collective.

The association develops projects along the following lines:

  • LOCAL FISHING - development and promotion of short circuits and direct sales in French fisheries, production of tools to facilitate the establishment of “community supported fisheries”
  • COASTAL COMMUNITY - participatory action research with coastal communities in order to understand the issues that specifically affect them

Pleine Mer creates links between fishermen and consumers, for a transition to sustainable fishing. Thanks to our constant presence on the coast, we understand the expectations of communities in the context of fishing. We have published a map of inshore fishing suppliers, which has received excellent feedback from fishermen and consumers now directly linked: the development of a mobile application for smartphones would allow this link to be deepened, for local fishing and a living coastline.

Within various projects, the association pursues the following strategic objectives:

Link fishermen and civil society, two worlds which are often ignored and would benefit from working together towards more sustainability 

  • analyze fishing as a complex and contextual system that deserves to be better known to the general public, thanks to a strong presence in the field (on land and at sea) develop sustainable and fair food systems in the fishing industry, via short circuits 
  • enhance the existing and give citizens the means to develop innovative systems take a position on subjects related to fishing: pollution control, coastal preservation, gender issues, adaptation to climate change -> produce in-depth action research work in order to stimulate the dynamics of change.


The association is also facilitating inshore fishermen to sell their fish direct to the public as France, like the UK, enters a second Covid-19 lockdown.

Local fishing in Dieppe 

The fishing port has about forty boats, mostly shellfish gillnetters and shellfish trawlers. You want to buy your fish direct from Dieppe fishermen: you have the choice between two traditional direct sales places:

The stalls of the fishing port, Quai Trudaine: this place is very dynamic during the scallop season (in winter): the fishermen work there to sell this delicious shellfish caught by dredge on multi-purpose boats that work trawl the rest of the time. The rest of the time, only two fishermen promote their production on the stalls.

You will find there, for example, the ship L'EQUINOXE of Pierre and Emilie Villeneuve. You can contact them on 0699 406 326 to order.

  • - “Les Barrières”, a place managed by the municipality where the Sté Lorient and the M'alizé sell their produce directly, and in particular delicious whelks. This place is also located on the port, but a little closer to the tourist area, opposite the restaurants. You will find the following boats there:
  • The P'tit Roi boat: direct sale at the stall and at the barriers, Coquilles-Saint Jacques and fish The Sté 'Lorient and M'Alizé boats : direct sale and delivery of whelk, do not hesitate to visit their Facebook page to order The boat l'Nain, which you can find on its Facebook page the Princess of the Seas boat the Unicorn boat

The direct sale of fish in the port of Dieppe has the particularity of being seasonal: it is very dynamic during the summer tourist season and during the shell season in winter. Direct sales have the reputation of being a little less active during the off-season it's up to you to change that, fish have fishing seasons… but we fish all year round: the species are just different!

A small idea of ​​the species that you will find on the fishermen's stalls: sea bass, black bream, red gurnard, monkfish, plaice, turbot, whiting, surmullet, herring, lobster, scallops, sole, dab, pollack, cod, whelk , mackerel, live, conger, crab, squid, cuttlefish and… scallop, which we have already spoken about!

The fishermen of Dieppe told us that they were very interested in the “Local Fishing” project, in particular the new owners who did not yet practice direct sales but wanted to get started as soon as possible. So don't hesitate to go and support them by buying their fish directly!

Visit the Deep Sea website here - use your web browser to translate.

French fishermen are also becoming increasingly concerned over the growth of what has become known as the Blue Economy - reported on Through the Gaps as far back as 2012 and more recently.

Below is another page from the Pleine Mer website oitlining why the fishing industry needs to become more aware of who is in the driving seat of 'Blue Growth' and where it is being driven.

The Blue Fix: What's driving blue growth?

This article explores the politics behind the promise of ‘blue growth’. Reframing it as a ‘blue fix’, we argue that the blue growth discourse facilitates new opportunities for capital accumulation, while claiming that this accumulation is compatible with social and ecological aims as well. The blue fix is made up of three underlying sub-fixes. 

First of all, the conservation fix quenches the social thirst for action in the face of climate change. Here we see how protecting marine areas can be an important part of mitigating climate change, but in practice, gains at the national level are overshadowed by the ongoing expansion of offshore drilling for oil and gas. 

Second, the protein fix satisfies the growing global demand for healthy food and nutrition through the expansion of capital-intensive large-scale aquaculture, while ignoring the negative socio-ecological impacts, which effectively squeeze small-scale capture fishing out, while industrial capture fishing remains well positioned to expand into as well as supply industrial aquaculture with fish feed from pelagic fish. 

And third, an energy fix offers a burst of wind energy and a splash of new deep-sea minerals without disturbing the familiar and persistent foundation of oil and gas. This dimension of the blue fix emphasises the transition to wind and solar energy, but meanwhile the deep sea mining for minerals required by these new technologies launches us into unknown ecological territories with little understood consequences. 

The synergy of these three elements brought together in a reframing of ocean politics manifests as a balancing act to frame blue growth as ‘sustainable’ and in everyone’s interest, which we critically analyse and discuss in this article.

Wednesday 11 November 2020

Blustery day in Newlyn.


The three crabbers...

two netters...

and a beam trawler...

plus the Sapphire II...

closely followed by the Joy of Ladram heading in through the gaps...

to a berth alongside the iceworks.