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Saturday 10 September 2016

Brixham Fishstock Festival 2016

Brixham Fishstock Festival 2016

Tackling the Threat Posed by Unlicensed Fishing

Responding to grassroots concerns from the quayside, the NFFO has joined forces with the MMO, IFCAs and the wider stakeholder community to get the message out to restaurants, shops and consumers that the trade in fish caught by unlicensed vessels is not a “victimless crime.”

Trade in fish caught by unlicensed vessels is not a “victimless crime”
A major information campaign was launched this week in Fishmongers Hall in London. The campaign is supported by the NFFO, the Angling Trust and the British Hospitality Association, who all share the same concerns.


The trade in fish from unlicensed vessels is illegal. But the sale of fish from this source is a significant and growing problem. This campaign is about ensuring that no one misunderstands what is at stake: this is an activity that does real harm. It is a growing problem which if not tackled will have serious consequences.

We have conservation measures in place to safeguard our fish stocks and where they are being circumvented by semi-professional fishermen operating from unlicensed vessels, it is not something that we can or should ignore

The quantities that are being caught and sold by unlicensed vessels are now significant and beyond anything that could reasonably be called recreational fishing. This campaign isn't the whole answer but the buyers of illegal fish must be made aware that they are aiding and abetting criminal behaviour that undermines attempts to manage fish stocks on a sustainable basis; and poses a direct threat to the livelihoods of genuine fishermen operating from licence vessels and subject to various controls.

High value species like bass and cod are being caught and sold illegally in increasing numbers to shops and restaurants. This undermines the market for genuine fishermen and because this backdoor fish goes unrecorded, it also threatens to undermine our efforts to manage these stocks sustainably.
A joint initiative with the involvement of a wide range of stakeholders should make businesses think twice before engaging in this illegal and damaging trade.

This information campaign is the first step towards eradicating an unwholesome trade. It is based on the premise that if the owners of the shops and restaurants who are currently buying backdoor fish are made aware that not only is it illegal but harmful; and that they also run the risk of prosecution, then they would have second thoughts.

There are other options available to tackle the problem, from putting bag limits on recreational catches of all affected species, to naming and shaming businesses successfully prosecuted for buying fish from unlicensed boats. But it is right to start with this information campaign in the belief that once these businesses know what is at stake, they will want to do the right thing. If they don't, they need to be aware that they could find themselves in court subject to exemplary penalties and the stigma associated with a Court appearance.

We are determine to stamp out this growing problem and the first step is to cut off the market for this illegal trade. Nobody is against someone catching a few fish for the pot. This is about semi-professional fishermen acting illegally, in ways that threaten fish stocks and undermine the livelihoods of genuine fishermen.

Friday 9 September 2016

So you want to be fishermen?

Seafood Cornwall have just set out their 3 week Introduction to Commercial Fishing course from 3-21 October 2016. 

This free course is aimed at new entrants to the fishing industry who are at least 16 years old. The course consists of two weeks shore-based training (covering safety, gear and catch handling, net mending, rope work, navigation and boat handling) followed by one week of mandatory basic safety courses for fishermen (Sea Survival, Fire Fighting, First Aid, Health and Safety) as well as the Seafish Basic Fishing Vessel Stability course.

This introductory level course will suit both young people looking for a career at sea in the fishing industry as well as those looking for a change of career. The course aims to equip candidates with the basic skills and knowledge to commence work at sea in a safe and useful manner. It will be provided free of charge in Cornwall for a limited number of candidates via Seafood Cornwall Training Ltd.

If you have a regular circular that we can help get out to fishermen then please get in touch with us at the office on 01736 364324 or call my mobile on 07964 373708 or email on info@seafoodcornwalltraining.co.uk

#FishyFriday in Newlyn.

Two beam trawlers, inshore trawlers and the hake netter, Brittania V landed to this morning's market...

with a big late season landing of John Dory...

 for young Roger Nowell on the Imogen II...


the spots...

a grandaddy squid, still no sign of any quantity yet...

the very best in Cornish hake on the market this morning...

and a few good sized haddock too...

there's plenty of mackerel around the coast...

door mats, slips and tongues, just some of the names for the different sizes of soles...

scalloping suits the older ex-beam trawlers...

rockhopper trawl close-up, with additional chain wound round the footrope to help weigh it down, the first dozen rows are of heavier, wear-resistant braided twine (several rows of meshes are pulled together in the join or selvedge) and the line of blue twine indicates where two separate panels are joined... 

ALB shouts are already on a par with the figures for 2012 & 2013, let's hope they don't match the last two years...

just some members of the resident swan family out on the water this morning.

Wednesday 7 September 2016

Neap tides, light landings and most of the fleet at sea.

Just the three inshore trawlers for Wednesday's mid-week market...

which means top quality, day-boat fish like these monk tails...

beautiful blackjacks...

ray wings...

and the odd mackerel or two from the handline boys in the punts...

early birds...

and local fisherman...

head off out into the Bay...

piled high on the Terramare...

coming at the end of this month, the sponsored Fishermen's Mission coastal ramble takes in some the finest scenery of Cornwall's famous coastal path, the longest in the UK...

racking, all set to take the gear...

looks a bit better than th paper bag that was there a few weeks ago...

almost shrouded in mist, the Bay's magical, mystical St Michael's Mount... 

fresh delivery bound for the supply boat, Gry Marithait will all be at the Scilly's Co-op soon...

though it's doubtful there are any kegs of Cornish Mead on board!

Monday 5 September 2016

Monday evening action in Mount's Bay.

While the Ajax comes down off the slip...

the Crystal Sea measures and checks the length of her combination bridles - a crucial part of maintaining the fishing capability of the trawls for a twin rigger...

evening maintenance aboard the visiting scallopers...

ex-Anglesey lifeboat on a stopover in Newlyn...

just past 7pm and the Scillonian III heading for Penzance harbour slows as she passes by the Mount ...

heavy cloud hangs over Newlyn...

as the Mayflower heads out for a night's sardine fishing...

taking her fish in sight of Mousehole.