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Friday 29 July 2016

A day on the gear.

Visiting Brixham beamer, Catharina takes on boxes and stores after landing...

#almostready, just like ashore, two heads are better than one when it comes to solving a plumbing problem...

for the boys on the Girl Pamela, a day on the quay making up a new string of pots

while top rugby boat, Louisa N gets some serious beam trawl renovation work underway.

#FishyFriday is here! #eatmorefish!

Two beam trawlers and three anonymous netters for this morning's #FishyFriday market...

John Dory from the Filafelfia...

keep concentration levels high with the buyers hanging on Ian's every word...

three cracking tub gurnards to make any chefs eyes water...

outside the heavens briefly open...

hake form the Joy of Ladram and...

the Britannia V...

along with a good number of mackerel boxes...

together with the Dovers from the Sapphire II...

a tad overcast now...

with many of the fleet in between trips...

classic sails in the morning...

while the Twlight III nears completion.

Check out the2016 Newlfoundland @IMCC conference starting on Saturday.

Among the 40 or so workshops at this years IMCC conference, this one has a contribution from Through the Gaps - making best use of technology like Bambuser to widen participation and bring remote events direct to fishermen - even if they are at sea! Watch this space for more posts and an interactive session on the day!

Wednesday 27 July 2016

Visibility, poor.

It might be the summer holidays and all that but someone upstairs doesn't seem to be paying any attention...

not that a bit of fog gets in the way of the fishing effort of course, one beamer, the hake netter Ajax and a handful of inshore trawlers... 

 make up this morning's market on Newlyn...

with haddock...

red mullet...

red gurnard...


blonde ray...

line caught pollack...

and mackerel...

along with MSC Certified hake...

name the fish with his scaly skin...

bought for £1 and now heading for a good home, the Excellent.

Monday 25 July 2016

Meetings about the future nature of Plymouth fish market

If you are involved in landing or dealing with fish on the fish quay in Sutton Harbour in Plymouth there are two opportunities (August 4th & 6th) to get information and put across your thoughts and ideas on the planned developments.

Monday morning melee in Newlyn.

Beamers, netters, trawlers and inshore handliners for Monday morning's market...

with summer season fish like megrims...

red mullet...

even a few octopus 

which together with John Dory...

are some of Nathan Outlaw's favourite fish - recipes for both are in his latest book, Nathan Outlaw's Everyday Seafood...

or you could go for fish with big white flakey flesh like pollack...

or bass...

or top of the range MSC Certified Cornish hake...

all of which are keenly contested by the buyers - except for mackerel - mediums making only10p a kilo!!...

outside the market Dan and the boys after a long night at sea are landing 7 tons of Cornish sardines

while netters like the Karen of Ladram take a berth at the iceworks...

Tom brails sardines into the insulated tubs of slush ice...

as the exodus begins for the inshore fleet...

the last ton of ice is pumped aboard the Karen...

as other boats queue for ice...

like the Falmouth boat, Galatea...

the rest head for the gaps.