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Thursday 9 October 2014

Forging ahead - Newlyn Harbour's new Advisory Board members announced.

THE new members of a body set up as a counterweight to Newlyn’s harbour commissioners have been announced. The Harbour Advisory Board must be consulted on all matters “substantially” affecting the harbour, under the commissioners’ own rules - the Newlyn Pier & Harbour (Constitution) Revision Order 2010. 

The advisory board must meet at least four times a year – including one meeting with Newlyn Harbour’s Board of Commissioners - and can make recommendations or representations to the commissioners whenever they see fit. Members are drawn from groups with an interest in the functioning of the harbour – the fishing industry, the local community and Cornwall Council.

Penzance Town Council also appoints a member, who this year is Councillor John Moreland. A chair and vice chair for advisory body were due to be selected at the group’s first meeting last night [Wednesday October 8] after The Cornishman had gone to press. Commissioners must take into consideration any issue the advisory board raises and must give feedback on any recommendations it chooses not to put in place.

Newlyn Harbour Commissioners hope the appointment of a new advisory board will be seen as continuing a move towards greater openness around the workings and decision-making of the commissioners. The advisory board also has key roles in acting as representatives for other harbour stakeholders, and in carrying out surveys and other exercises to give feedback on perceptions of the Harbour Commission’ work.

The nine newly appointed advisory board members, and the particular interests they represent, are:

Cllr John Moreland (Penzance Town Council)

Father Keith Owen (community leader)

Paul Trebilcock (fishing boats over 10m long)

Simon Cadman (Cornwall Inshore Fisheries & Conservation Authority)

Tom McClure (inshore fisheries)

Steve Ford (Cornwall Council economic regeneration)

Joseph Clive (fish merchants)

Sam Winters (community)

Laurence Hartwell (community)

Read more: http://www.cornishman.co.uk/Names-new-Newlyn-Harbour-advisory-board-members/story-23055449-detail/story.html#ixzz3FeMQr8YO Follow us: @CornishmanPaper on Twitter | 

Wednesday 8 October 2014

Latest talk from #EurOcean2014 - fishing needs this to happen!

The summary slides from Jeff A Ardron's talk from EurOcean2014 - all right-on words on the PowerPoint slides...

but as one conference attendee noted much the same agenda summary was in evidence 30 years ago - he expressed a desire to move things forward in a much more dynamic and groundbreaking way and received warm applause. The fishing industry is well able to adapt and change quickly - much more so than the legislative umbrella of governance under whose rules it operates - eg the mis-match between quotas and stocks and the difficulty of implementing what seem to be 'good ideas' eg ending discards.

Co-ordination, communication and co-operation being the most popular 'c' words used today.

Was it windy?

Rear window...

now these are monk tails...

unidentified flying object...

EU harbour inspection team enjoy a good landing of fish from the Billy Rowney...

fork-lift frenzy...

crabbing duo...

the question on everyone's lips, when will the Mayflower sail

one of Newlyn's stars...

busy quay owing to the weather having blown most of the fleet in although as it is a spring tide the netters are in port anyway...

market in action...

lifeboat inaction...

crabber at rest...

all set for the grand opening...

Newlyn Co-op in party mode...

nice work from the Fish...

doesn't get much fresher at the Co-op...

chip shop art from Jess Polglase...

on view...

lights, camera, action at the Newlyn Filmhouse...

delivery made...

a sea of lights as the sun rises.

Tuesday 7 October 2014

Brixham 2014 raised record amount for fishermen's charity - @FishStock1

THIS year’s Fishstock festival in Brixham raised a record amount for charity.

The celebration of seafood, fishing and maritime heritage made a surplus of £11,000 for the Fishermen’s Mission in Brixham.
Jim Portus, chairman of the organising committee, said: “Last year and the year before we raised £10,000, which was the previous record, but this year surpassed our expectations and wildest dreams.”
The six Fishstock Brixham events held to date have raised a total of £54,000 for the charity which provides emergency support and practical care for fishermen and their families.
Mr Portus added: “Brixham and other South West fishing ports suffered greatly in the winter storms of 2013-14 and while the fishermen could not earn from the fishing, the Fishermen’s Mission provided essential financial support for many families in need, unable to service their household bills.
“It is for the purposes of replenishing the coffers and to ensure future needs can be met that we organise such events as Fishstock Brixham.”
Superintendent John Anderson will be presented with the cheque on Thursday, October 9, at Torquay’s Palace Hotel, where the Fishstock team will be attending the Herald Express English Riviera and South Devon Tourism and Hospitality Awards 2014.
Fishstock has been shortlisted in the Tourism Event of the Year category in which the event won Silver last year and Gold the year before.
Mr Portus said: “I am very proud of the wonderful volunteers who give up so much of their time without reward to plan and execute the festival. It is a fitting tribute to their hard work that they have not only been shortlisted in these Tourism Awards, but they have been shortlisted in the Pride of South Devon Awards in the Community Group and Fundraiser categories. They deserve an enormous pat on the back.”

Bridging the Gap!

MSFD competence centre aims to share information and link MSFD with current scientific knowledge

A useful website established at JRC to support the Marine Strategy Framework  Directive: http://mcc.jrc.ec.europa.eu/

A reminder: Can collaboration really lead to more sustainably fished seas? 
Find out what the Spanish fishermen, scientists and government officials involved in @GAP2 really think about working with one another in "Bridging the GAP".

Newlyn Arts festival - @Tim_Ridley in the Swordfish

Tim Ridley - in action - in the Swordfish, Newlyn.

Landings Obligation Focus Group meets this week in Amsterdam

Landings Obligation Focus Group  7th October – 8th October 2014

Meeting Agenda, Draft (1)


1. Welcome and Introductions Apologies

Adoption of the Agenda (Paper 1.1)

2. Minutes of Previous Meeting

The report of the meeting held 27th May, London (Paper 2.1)

3. Matters Arising / Action Points

4. North Sea cod TAC and discards in 2015

5. Update on Scheveningen Group work

6. Landings Obligation

• Defining the fisheries
• Phasing of the landings obligation
• De minimis
• High survivability
• Documentation of catch
• Minimum conservation sizes
• Science base
• Choke species

7. Preparation of a NSAC position paper on the implementation on the landings obligation

8. Any Other Business

9. Next steps. Date, time and place of next meeting.

Support papers: 

Report of the last LO Meeting Paper 2.1 Report from meeting 27th May (for approval)

NSAC report from the Meeting with the Scheveningen Tech group meeting 1st Oct. 2014 10 01 Sch Grp MReport

Draft paper from B Deas Implementation of LO in NS V1 140821

EC Non paper on Landings Obligations and Fishing Opportunities 2015 Non-paper LO and FOs LS + Committee 31 July v5

Recording discards letter from EFCA EFCA letter re recording discards

Planned survivability research Survival matrix

Completed survivability research STECF Surv completed

Report from Shetland Fishermen’s Association A fix for choke species