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Monday 6 October 2014

The MMO and customer service - explained.

It's great to see an organisation like the MMO take things like customer service seriously - although I dare say there may be a handful of fishermen who might find the following exercise in assessing customer relations a tad #ironic and be moved to use the terms 'MMO' and 'customer relations' as the defining example of an oxymoron. Comments on this website and others often cite the MMO as having an inherent lack of in-depth industry knowledge within the organisation - it would be good to see more young people from fishing communities choosing degree level career paths that see them working for shore based organisations like the MMO and MSC - as is often the case in countries like France, Spain, Norway and Holland.

As part of national Customer Service Week John Gargett, Customer Manager at the Marine Management Organisation (MMO), discusses how customer and stakeholder feedback informs the MMO’s decisions and actions.
We engage with our customers in a number of ways and are always keen to hear people’s views on the way we work.
Our Stakeholder Focus Group brings together key social, economic and environmental bodies, which between them bring in over £14 billion to the UK economy each year. The group meets approximately four times a year and provides us with a unique opportunity to sense check our policies and thinking with key stakeholders in the marine environment.
Members of the group include representatives of many sectors – other Government bodies/organisations, the fishing industry, aggregates, ports, renewables, energy, shipping, yachting, conservation and wildlife groups. Matters they have fed into include our Corporate Plan objectives, marine planning engagement and consultation, marine licensing fast track and exemptions, and the revised fees and charges.
The collective experience and knowledge the group brings and the range of views offered give us an excellent insight into what is important to the people we serve and regulate, preventing many problems before they occur and giving stakeholders real input into our work.
We also learn a great deal by analysing the root causes of enquiries and complaints we receive and matters of interest to customers through general enquiries. In addition engagement that takes place day to day in person at our coastal offices and through other channels at our central offices, including social media, gives us detailed feedback to shape our operations.
This is supported by our Customer Insight Groups representing fisheries, European funding and marine licensing where customer service matters are discussed directly with myself. Engagement events such as marine planning drop-in sessions and our quota roadshows also provide excellent insight on specific areas and activities.
However these are by no means the only channels by which you can engage with the MMO. If there is anything you want to discuss with me please email me (john.gargett@marinemanagement.org.uk), tweet us (@The_MMO) or post on our Facebook page.

Identity crisis...

When is a sole not a sole, when it's a monk..

happy hake...

better known as black jacks locally...

otolith hunting from turbot...

 top quality inshore turbot...

head to tail cod style...

an early morning film crew capture the market buzz on a busy Monday market...

with the harbour full owing to the poor weather last night, the first serious blow since the summer, which left only a few of he bigger boats still at sea...

good to see the boats still doing their bit to green the planet...

the Tamar class RNLI lifeboat Grace Dixon will no doubt sail this morning as she makes her way north despite the big swell running in from the west ...

paint job in progress...

its seems last night's storm damage in Newlyn was restricted to the local flora...

though cyclists on the prom...

had to take care of the odd encroaching wave...

stocking up for opening day in Newlyn no doubt.

Sunday 5 October 2014

Who can identify the Karina Olsen?

@sprite1967 wants to get in touch with the owner of the ex anchor seiner or 'snubby' the Karina Olsen - which she thinks was previously the Dover Star which her father skippered until 1981 out of Grimsby. The boat has been in Grimsby dock for years and is now in Penzance.

These anchor seiners used to make trips up to three weeks using a seine net fishing mainly for plaice in the North Sea. They were capable of riding out appalling weather when lying at anchor - the bunks in for'ard accommodation had sliding doors to keep their occupants from falling out!

Anyone who can confirm that the Karina Olsen was indeed the Dover Star or who can put Moy G in touch with the present owner should tweet her - @sprite1967

Saturday 4 October 2014

Sunny Saturday in Newlyn

Like a giant Jenga game the promenade sea wall is being...

put back together...

Saturday it might be but some of the boats are landing...

not all to Newlyn market, which is one f the reasons the port has now slipped to third place in the English ports' league...

most inshore boats land their small crab catches direct to a local merchant

a box at a time...

ably assisted by the next generation of fisherman...

another paint-up underway...

the new ring netter Mayflower is yet to make her maiden voyage...

one of the port's ex-French fishing boats, the Imogen III...

there's a pecking order at sea...

generally it is the bigger who takes precedence and any scraps going...

time to stow the gear on the St Georges...

while aboard the punt the flask comes out for a cuppa to kickstart the day at sea...

any day now...

the Nelwyn Co-op will open again.

Friday 3 October 2014

Inspire Project - Nautilus Live

This cruise to the southern Lesser Antilles volcanic arc is part of the INSPIRE project, funded by NSF with the purpose of studying and improving telepresence for ocean exploration. Scientists will implement several student-designed exploration projects led from shore. 

Kick’em Jenny is the most active submarine volcano in the Caribbean Sea, and during the past century it has shown a history of progressive growth with explosive eruptions. Hazards include explosive eruptions that can breach the sea surface and the potential for tsunami generation. The Nautilus cruise in 2014 will continue exploration of Kick’em Jenny with a new set of sensors to examine any changes in gas/fluid venting in the inner crater that might indicate renewed eruptive activity. Another area of investigation is a large province of cold seeps and mud volcanoes North of Trinidad & Tobago. These methane and sulfur-rich fluids host chemosynthetic biological communities and produce mud volcanoes by transporting and discharging fine grain mud on the seafloor. -

See more at: http://nautiluslive.org/expedition/2014#sthash.hqIbvD7k.dpuf<br><br>

Get inspired and be exhibited at Penlee House Gallery

Penlee House Gallery & Museum is asking for contributions to it’s 2014 ‘Penlee Inspired’ exhibition and YOU could be part of it.

Following on from the success of the two previous ‘Penlee Inspired’ exhibitions, Penlee House Gallery & Museum will be hosting an exhibition of works by members of the public inspired by the collections and exhibitions of Penlee House. All ages and abilities will be represented, from complete beginners to established artists, and their work will be hung alongside works from Penlee’s collection and those loaned from other galleries and museums.

Contributions are invited from individuals, groups, schools and colleges, and can be in any medium—including paint, collage, textile, sculpture, photography, film and animation. Creative writing is also welcome. Submitted work can be representational or abstract, the only thing we ask is that the collections or exhibitions at Penlee House are the inspiration behind all contributions.

Penlee House is most famous for its paintings by the Newlyn School artists, but the collections extend beyond that to archaeology, social history, textiles and photography, giving plenty of scope for some exciting and original artwork. In addition, during the year, Penlee exhibits many works from museums and galleries throughout Britain. This pack contains details of the selection criteria, and information and application forms for individuals/groups and schools/colleges.

@penleelifeboat out on a shout to the container ship Pengalia 4 miles south east of Land's End

@penleelifeboat Ivan Ellen was launched at 11:49 to assist the 129m container ship Pengalia...

about 4 miles south east of Land's End...

Updated at 1250

the Pangalia has now resumed steaming and heading SW to take up her plotted course around Land's End while the Ivan Ellen makes her way back to Newlyn.