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Monday 12 May 2014

Lizard #lifeboat yacht #rescue video

Update to Saturday's Lizard lifeboat rescue of two people on their 40ft yacht off Lizard point. The two people on board the yacht, which had damaged rigging in strong winds was nearly 40 miles offshore when they called for assisstance before being helped to safety by The Lizard lifeboat. 

Looking at the lifeboat's video the weather would be probably be best described by fishermen as, 'uncomfortable'.

Re-furbished fishermen friendly Godolphin Arms

Good to see the newly re-furbished Godolphin Arms in Marazion supporting UK fishermen, though the staff might lose out on the deal if customers decide to pop what would have been their service tips in the Mission envelopes provided!...

the menu makes use of local produce including fish where possible...

so the hake boys will be pleased to see this on the menu...

and a very tasty pan fried hake dish with steamed spinach and a crushed new potato base lavishly laced with hot garlic butter!

Monday's mixed market

The weather over the last few days saw even some of the bigger boats manage broken trips...

though what was landed was top drawer stuff...

with a few grey mullet thrown in for good measure...

cracking hake form the Govenek of Ladram...

and a solid landing of superb turbot...

and big late season cod...

as usual the small inshore boats land tip-top fish like the Tracey Claire

looks like today will be a little less hurried than the weekend's blustery conditions...

the new ice works is about to have its coolant pumped in by the looks of the big tanks in waiting...

time to set sail...

just a handful of the ports inshore fleet waiting for better weather and the Cornish Sardine season to get underway.

Sunday 11 May 2014

Lizard lifeboat launched to rescue a yacht off the Lizard.

The #Lizard #lifeboat was launched this afternoon to a 40 foot yacht with a damaged mast. The yacht was 37 miles SSW of the Lizard Point when she radioed for assistance...

the wind has been steadily increasing all day and is currently hitting over 45 mph in gusty conditions - if the boys on the lifeboat are lucky they might make it home for a very late pint tonight. The waypoint plotted on the AIS above shows that at 17:45 she had 27 miles to go to reach a safe harbour in Falmouth - EWTA around 20:29 - so by the time the boys sort of the yacht and its crew and manage to thumb a lift back to the Lizard they should make last orders!

Friday 9 May 2014

Newlyn's busy #FishyFriday market does @escapetothecountry and @Westking college this morning

Must be a blue moon...

as a Breton boat is landing her fish (haddock) on the market to be sold this morning...

one of the two Boulogne boats working out of the port at the moment...

the Breton fish identified by the word French on their boxes, so much for Celtic solidarity...

it's otolith morning for the Cefas plaice data set this morning...

talking fine fresh fish with @Nicki_Chapman from Escape To all sorts of places is Mr Fish, Rob Wing from @wingofstmawes 

with many monk tails on offer from a couple of the beam trawlers...

and a good selection of megrims for the pair to discuss in detail...

just checking the fish facts are correct with the director...

away at the other end of the market, tomorrow's head chefs in the form of apprentices from Westminster College are getting a guided tour of the busy market...

these guys are already working at the very best places in London like the @leGavroche_ and @CapriceHoldings...

so it's good they get the fishy facts from the likes of Lionel on the market...

including the ray and skate quiz...

and, of course, the story about the one that got away...

another cracking trip of turbot from the Gary M...

so which rays were these then guys?...

the Brixham beamer Carhelmar is still in port...

as is the pair of Boulogne trawlers...

looks like its going to be a  lre settled day then yesterday, though not much sign of the heatwave the papers were predicting last week - yet!

Thursday 8 May 2014

UK fishing industry trials look at how a discards ban may work in practice

Grant Course, Senior Marine Trials Officer at the Marine Management Organisation, writes about how trials are looking at how a fish discards ban may work.

Fisheries Minister George Eustice recently said that the UK is: “committed to further extension of catch quota schemes as part of transition to CFP reform”. These schemes, involving the UK fishing industry and the Marine Management Organisation (MMO), are showing that there is a viable alternative to discards, ensuring a sustainable future for both our fish stocks and our fishing fleet.

Some of the monitoring equipment used on board fishing vessels taking part in the catch quota trials As part of the reformed Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) a ban on discards – where dead fish are thrown away at sea if fishermen have no quota left for a particular species, will be introduced in Europe from 2015. Discards in ‘pelagic’ fisheries (such as mackerel and herring) will be banned from 1 January 2015 with a further ban on discards in other fisheries starting from 1 Jan 2016.

In the UK the fishing industry and the MMO have been looking at ways to tackle discards for a number of years. Through the catch quota trial schemes, taking place in the North Sea and the South West, discards of important stocks such as sole, cod, plaice, megrim and anglerfish have been drastically reduced.

Camera, part of monitoring equipment used on board fishing vessels taking part in the catch quota trials Camera, part of monitoring equipment used on board fishing vessels taking part in the catch quota trials The trials encourage fishermen to fish more selectively. Boats taking part in the scheme are provided with additional quota and in exchange they are not permitted to discard any of the species in the trials, including those below the minimum size. They have to land all of the fish of these species that they catch so they all count against their quota. Data from onboard monitoring equipment, including CCTV cameras, is used to check the conditions of the trial are adhered to.

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BBC News story on discards and how the new legislation may work in practice.

Channel 4 story on discards and how the new legislation may work in practice.

#ThroughtheGaps up Newquay way!

That's a wet looking sky hanging over Newquay this morning...

always good to see just how connected fishing ports are with one another, share and share alike with those boxes...

some of the Newquay fleet have a day off...

for others it's time to sail again...

the man with the big smile, young Phil 'The Voice' Trebilcock...

has bait to put aboard his ex-Newlyn boat Loyal Partner...

with a shiny new example of that most crucial piece of fishing gear...

being lowered from the quay...

its time to head out #ThroughtheGaps...

of Newquay for another day at the pots...

always good to know where your fish come from...

luckily these highly dangerous pot frames have been checked over then!

PS - Sorry these were a bit late Phil! - 50th party festivities went on for a few days!