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Thursday 6 February 2014

Stormy supper #eatmorefish

Basting the pollack fillets for a pre- #FishyFriday fish supper!...

and ready to go!

Children's Friend sinks in her berth in Newlyn.

This is how the converted MFV to sailing lugger, Children's friend looked on a good day...

Photo courtesy of  James Roberts, Newlyn

sadly, the heavy seas and constant movement have taken their toll on the old girl.

Wednesday 5 February 2014

Newlyn flooded again as heavy seas continue to tear down the sea wall

The promenade has been closed to traffic since 4pm yesterday...

as heavy seas crash over the sea wall of the Jubilee pool filling it up...

at Wherry Town the road is littered with beach pebbles...

keeping the police busy monitoring access...

the morning brings an almost tropical tsunami look to Newlyn Green as high water sees the green itself breached constantly...

ever-watchful Tom keeps an eye on the huge wave running down the back of the quay in Newlyn...

as the seas continue to enlarge the hole that has appeared on the green...

the bridge in Newlyn gets another washing...

forcing traffic to drive slowly...

some home owners aren't so lucky as the streets surrounding the Combe river flood yet again.

Weather over the last 24 hours on the Sevenstones Lightship

As the low or depression passes and the centre approaches the south west the air pressure decreases and the wind speed on average increases...

as does the wave height which slowly builds as the weather system passes through…

the cursor placed over Newlyn on the Earth Wind Map gives a wind speed of approximately 60 km/h this morning.

Stormy Newlyn

Doubtless the local surfers will be out later taking adavantage of a good wave down the back of the quay - better known as 'The Graveyard' - not for the feint-hearted!

Stormy Newlyn

Tuesday 4 February 2014

Latest shipping forecast for sea area Plymouth this afternoon - more to come!

Still more to come tonight!

Gale warnings - Issued: 1546 UTC Tue 04 Feb

Storm force 10 veering southwesterly soon

Shipping Forecast - Issued: 1625 UTC Tue 04 Feb

Wind - South veering southwest, gale 8 to storm 10. 

Sea State - High or very high, becoming phenomenal for a time. 

(On the Beaufort Scale - Force 12 - - 64 knots+ 33m/s+ Hurricane 14m+ - sea state 9 Phenomenal)

Weather - Rain or squally showers. 

Visibility - Moderate or poor.