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Wednesday 25 September 2013

Subsidising the fishing industry

Does the law of unintended cosequences apply to subsidies within the fishing industry?


Hake fishing with the Ajax

Sit back and enjoy a video of life aboard one of Nelwyn gill net fleet fishing for hake west of Land's End.

Wednesday in Newlyn

Fulltrips for a couple of beamtrawlers meant there was plenty of fish on the market this morning...

with the Sapphire leading the charge...

a good selection of flats including these spot-laden plaice...

the inshore boats managed a hanful of bass to keep the country's best fish shops and restuarants happy...

while these strange bedfellows, zulu meets octopus...

while the bige, new ex-French netter, Stelissa filled the market with big hake...

and a run of cracking cod ...

the good ship, Stelissa...

all on its lonsesome this big basslooks like it just came ashore...

putting bait aboard the Intuition, who has just had a new gearbox fitted and a complete engoine rebuild after smashing 3 pistins and liners lastw week - stripped and put back togther in a two-day turnaround!......

chin-ups keep the crew happy...

changing gear aboard the Falmouth registered Victoria Anne...

across the Bay, a heavy mist rolls in over Tom's watch.

Tuesday 24 September 2013

Help shape the MSC fisheries standard

In 2013-14, the MSC has committed to undertake a review of the MSC fishery Standard for sustainable fishing. The review focuses on the MSC fishery assessment and other fishery client performance requirements on topics including benthic impacts, unit of certification, bycatch and discards. Stakeholder feedback is an integral part of the review process. This second round of consultation and all public comment is now open until 26th October at http://improvements.msc.org/
To keep our oceans teeming with life and safeguard seafood supplies for the future, the MSC offers the world's leading certification program for fisheries to demonstrate they are sustainable. But science and industry do not stand still, and as we...

MSC has committed to undertake a review of the Fisheries Standard (FSR) in 2013. The full list of program improvements currently open for public consultation (11 September - 26 October 2013) is shown in the table below:

Program improvements description
Principle 1: Sustainable
fish stock
To provide clarifications and guidance when assessing the sustainability of fish stock. Two sub-projects are included:
  • Principle 1 clarifications
  • Metapopulations
Principle 2:
Minimising environmental impact
To ensure consistency and to reflect best practice throughout Principle 2, including:
  • Species outcome Performance Indicators (PIs) and the species component restructure
  • Species management and information PIs
  • Habitat
Principle 3:
Effective managemen
To consider changes to the performance indicators used to assess fisheries management systems.
Risk Based FrameworkTo improve on the three aspects of the risk based framework (RBF):
    • Species Performance Indicators (PIs)
    • RBF developments
        Fishery Process IssuesTo provide additional guidance and clarity to three sections:
        • Definition of unit of certification (UoC)
        • Fishery traceability
        • Harmonisation of conditions timelines
          The FSR will consolidate the MSC’s existing policy development process on issues pertaining to the Default Assessment Tree and other fishery client ‘performance’ requirements. These program improvements went into an early stage public consultation this year from 22 April - 1 June 2013. You can find out more about the early stage consultation here.
          If you would like more information about the FSR, please contact Dan Hoggarth (Fisheries Oversight Director) at Dan.Hoggarth@msc.org.
          In addition, the MSC will undertake a Speed and Cost Review (SCR) in parallel to the FSR, to review and reform the assessment process. The aim is to reduce the time, cost and complexity of certification.

          Current status

          The MSC Fisheries Standard Review is currently open for public to comment until 26th October 2013. Anyone can view the program improvements proposed by the MSC and share their expertise and experience through the consultation.

          Planned work

          The development stage of the FSR includes various opportunities for stakeholders like you to provide feedback. These opportunities include broad online consultation and in-person workshops for project items that receive high level of stakeholder interest. See planned activities for the FSR below:
          11 September - 26 OctoberLate-stage online consultation on all policy topicsThe MSC Program
          Improvements website
          25 SeptemberStakeholder webinar - Fisheries Standard Review and Speed and Cost Review topicsRemotely
          To register, please send email to standards@msc.org
          26 SeptemberStakeholder webinar -
          Chain of Custody topics
          To register, please send email to standards@msc.org
          16-17 SeptemberConformity Assessment Body (CAB) consultationLondon, UK
          7-8 OctoberLatin America workshopSantiago, Chile
          9-13 DecemberTechnical Advisory Board (TAB) and Stakeholder Council (StC) meetingLisbon, Portugal
          To become an observer, please register at standards@msc.org

          The warmth of Autumnal colour pervades Mount's Bay

          The Excgange Gallery makes art fun in their workshops...

          and has probab;y the best coffe in town...

          two icons of the area...

          overlooked by another icon from the 60s, the Abbey Hotel is still home to 'The Shrimp', Davis Bailey's muse for many years...

          local artist Robert Jones has devoted many of his works to capturing these autumn grey skies...

          while the Jubilee Pool takes on its winter algal bloom...

          under threat of re-development, the PZ Gallery continues to showcase the work of photographer Charles Roff.


          Proper Job Cornish fayre at the Dock Inn's Docktoberfest!...

          next door there's always local crab on offer...

          hoping the rain will stay away...

          for the finishing touches...

          seems nose jobs are the all the rage in Penzance's wet dock!... 

          Bag 'o Rags shark attack...

          almost high water...

          on the biggest tide for the year...

          with the Dry Dock still empty...

          another new restaurant to try, next to the Abbey Hotel...

          bright , cheerful and eclectic ambiance at the Artist In Residence Hotel in Chapel Street...

          well worth a try!

          Saturday 21 September 2013


          Penzance night life Part I - eat top drawer fish at a local restaurant.