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Tuesday 20 August 2013

Big boats big trips

Heavy skies over the land this morning...

as Tom maintains his watch over Mount's Bat and beyond...

the hand line boat Silver Spray heads for an ice works berth...

shiny hake...

and monk tails from the Myghal...

keep the buyers busy...

the  Trevessa IV landed a good trip of summer fish...

one big monk tail...

and a few mackerel...

kept the two auctioneers busy...

with a big trip from the biggest boat in the fleet, the Billy Rowney...

there's yet another new boat in the port this weekend, with a classic name...

here';s the last boat in Newlyn bearing the name seen here steaming to the grounds in the days of handlining for mackerel...

and from the bow...

this time she is Falmouth registered...

with her brand new aft net pounds...

she is a replacement for the old Ocean Spray...

plenty of protection on her hull to stop the net meshes catching on her wooden planks...

sun's up!...

the visiting stern trawler, Ocean Spirit from Brixham...

has Cefas aboard in the form of Sam Smith, nice work if you can get it!...

a cracking start to the day...

in the morning sun...

gives the harbour a very tranquil look...

time for a few stretches for an early morning runner.

Saturday 17 August 2013

Lime- cured mackerel, Japanese radish and green tea

Friday 16 August 2013

Shellfish research - From sea to saucepan

From sea to saucepan: investigating stakeholder perceptions to inform communication Shellfish are the focus of this European Social Fund sponsored PhD project, with the core aim to investigate stakeholder perceptions of consuming shellfish.

The shellfish industry is an important part of both the UK and Cornish economies, with landings of nearly £11 million in Cornwall in 2011. In addition, there are many shellfish farms around the county, for example in the rivers Fal, Fowey and Camel.

This is hoping to help understand current shellfish purchase decisions, and inform communication between the industry, stakeholders and the public. Existing research highlights numerous factors important in understanding what foods people choose to eat and this project will explore these in the context of shellfish - an area where data is currently lacking.

The study will involve semi-structured interviews and questionnaires with representatives from across the shellfish industry and the public, from producers to consumers, and will run until summer 2015.

Aquatic Water Services Ltd is working with Nick Boase on this project, which is supervised by Dr Mat White, Dr Clare Redshaw and Dr William Gaze.

The project study will be by Nick Boase

#fishtales and tweets from the deep - a day at sea with skipper Dave Warwick aboard the Valhalla

Valhall skipper David Warwick has been fishing for 25 years
The day's tweets can be seeon by searching the hashtag #fishtales or checking out the Twitter page for the NFFO


Mevagissey trawler skipper David Warwick spent the day tweeting from his boat Valhalla - the event was covered by the media including these three clips from BBC Radio Cornwall's breakfast show with James Churchfield, BBC Radio 5 Live's lunchtime EU Business show and Simon Mayo's DriveTime on BBC Radio 2.


The 44 ft Valhalla steaming off to the grounds...

hauling at the end of the first tow for four hours

sorting tjhe catch...


which includes some good monk...

and cracking John Dory...

cooked breakfast is on the go after their 3am start to the day...

a paitning of the boat by a Twitter followers daughter!


#FishyFriday in full flow and flight

After a night of torrential rain amazing to see that high water isn't even higher #wheredoesitallgo ... 

on the market there was a good mix of beam trawl...

 hake fro the Ajax...

and blackjacks or coley...

with Lionel giving one of his guide tours around the market...

the run of mackerel seems good this week...

while these are top drawer line caught pollack...

and some big net cod...

 one of the resident gulls stepping out for a spot of breakfast...

as the skies turn heavy once more... 

lets hope the Wayfinder is around for a good while yet as she makes an excellent subject for the artists who visit Newlyn

they might have cancelled the Red Arrows at Falmouth this week but the gulls still provide a constant display of aerobatic skills for free...

this lost pot has been rolling around the ocean bed for many years!.

Thursday 15 August 2013

Group representing the global farmed salmon industry launches the Global Salmon Initiative (GSI) in Trondheim, Norway, today

Key farmed salmon producers join forces to create global industry body to address challenges - Group representing 70% of the global farmed salmon industry launch Global Salmon Initiative (GSI) in Trondheim, Norway, today

- GSI will address challenges around increased demand while also focusing on sustainable, environmentally friendly farming, biosecurity, feed sourcing and industry standards

- Norway, Canada, Chile and Scotland are the biggest farmed salmon producers CEOs of the global farmed salmon industry will today launch a major industry-led sustainability initiative, The Global Salmon Initiative (GSI), which will unite 15 global key farmed salmon producers. The GSI companies are committed to greater industry co-operation and transparency, in order to achieve significant and continuous progress in sustainability within the farmed salmon industry.

About 60% of the world’s salmon production currently comes from farms and the industry currently faces twin challenges: firstly, the need for expansion and growth in line with the growing demand for protein from a rapidly expanding global population and secondly the challenge of concerns from environmentalists about the impact of salmon farms and local concerns about the impact on wild fish numbers.

With a shared ambition of improving industry performance across three pillars of sustainability - reducing environmental impact, increasing social contribution and maintaining economic growth - the GSI member company CEOs today announced that they are focusing on areas where they can make ambitious, yet achievable improvements, within a realistic timeframe.

Keen to make substantial improvements, the GSI have decided to concentrate their efforts on three priority areas facing the industry: biosecurity, feed sourcing and meeting industry standards.

The world’s main salmon producing nations are Norway, Canada, Chile and Scotland.

In 2011 (the last year for which figures are available) 1,600,000 tonnes of salmon came from farms, while 930,000 tonnes of wild salmon were caught. The largest markets for salmon are the EU, USA, and Japan. The GSI have committed to working closely with industry partners to ensure they are making significant change in areas affecting the whole of the industry, and are not merely satisfying the status quo. Keen on improving sustainability across the aquaculture industry, the GSI have been working closely with the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations across a number of projects. Both parties share a goal of supporting the expansion of sustainable aquaculture as a source of high quality food protein for a growing global population.


The Global Salmon Initiative (GSI) is a leadership initiative established by global farmed salmon producers focused on making significant progress on industry sustainability. The GSI are committed to fully realizing a shared goal of providing a highly sustainable source of healthy food to feed a growing global population, whilst minimizing our environmental footprint, and continuing to improve our social contribution. The 15 GSI member companies are:

- Acuinova Chile - Bakkafrost - Blumar - Cermaq - Compañía Pesquera Camanchaca - Empresas AquaChile - Grieg Seafoods - Lerøy Seafood Group - Los Fiordos - Marine Harvest - Norway Royal Salmon - SalMar - Multiexport Foods SA - The Scottish Salmon Company - Scottish Sea Farms

