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Monday 1 July 2013

A message from Valerie Edwards, mother of fisherman Barry Edwards

I believe my son, E.Barry T. Edwards used to fish from Newlyn in the past. I believe he visited from time to time on leave from Boston Puteford and served  as a Marine Engineer.

Please could you pass the following information to whoever may have known him, if this is not known through the press already.

Barry  Edwards died suddenly,of a heart attack,on June 5th, aged 54, in Gosberton, Lincs.

He is sadly missed by Mother, Father,and brother Dylan and Julian.  The funeral has already taken place.  He leaves a Peruvian wife Liz.Thanks 

Any donations he would like to go to the mission for Seaman.  Valerie Edwards(mother)

Perhaps ICES would like to explain why they are calling for a 9% cut in COD quota next year?

Straight from the pages of the Real Fish Fight SOFC:

Only THREE days ago SEAFISH announced "This has been a breakthrough year for cod stocks in the North Sea. The ICES report shows a trebling in stock size over the past seven years and this is for a number of reasons, such as the sustained efforts of our fishing fleet to fish more selectively, coupled with innovations in management practice and overall reductions in fishing effort".

This is death by a thousand cuts by a government hell bent on destroying the UK fishing industry.

Here's their story under the title,

 North Sea cod stocks rise again

Cod stocks in the North Sea continue to rise for the seventh year in a row and there are indications that reduced discarding, and improved fisheries management have played a key part, according to figures released today (28 June) by the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES). Hazel Curtis of Seafish said: "There has been a substantial improvement in the status of North Sea cod stocks over the last seven years and now ICES estimates that the stock is around three times the size it was in 2006. Fishing mortality has decreased again and is now well below precautionary levels thanks to the efforts of an increasingly close collaboration between industry, science and governments. "This has been a breakthrough year for cod stocks in the North Sea.

The ICES report shows a trebling in stock size over the past seven years and this is for a number of reasons, such as the sustained efforts of our fishing fleet to fish more selectively, coupled with innovations in management practice and overall reductions in fishing effort. "Looking ahead, UK processors can anticipate a continued increase in landings of sustainably caught North Sea cod and can start working with fishermen to develop new products and markets that can benefit the whole seafood supply chain and British consumers. "If the management plan for cod is followed ICES estimate we could see a further 45% increase in stock size next year.

Cod stocks have not been this size since 1996 and further improvements in management and fishing techniques could see the stock return to pre-1983 levels (150,000) within the next few years. "We hope that industry efforts will continue to be rewarded with increased stock size and quotas. The key to success in future years will be continued supply chain collaboration so that businesses including catching, processing and retail all play their part in delivering economic benefits to communities and sustainable healthy food to consumers."


Monday's market majors mainly in monk and megrim

The only chnace you will ever have of seeing puffins on the prom...

Monday's megrim market from the Sapphgire II...

with monk from the Admiral...

and some otolith hunting in cod on the market...

the deck of the Sapphire is ship-shape and Bristol fashion...

while the deck of PZ100 looks the same there is the unwlcome sight...

of the creep, use to pick up the warp when a trawler has 'lost a side' for some reason...

calm enough for the Trinity boat, Patricia at anchor in Mount's Nay.

It's the big fat G of festivals this weekend - Glastonbury and of course Penzance's very own Golowan Festival 2013

An excess of colour, noise, bustle, ambience, good humour, food and fine festival music to suit all tastes - Golowan comes to town!

Newlyn Raft Race 2013 - build that raft!

PLANNING is well under way for a raft race to raise money for Newlyn's harbour lights display. The Christmas lights rely on donations to go ahead but last year the event could not take place due to insurance problems.

Newlyn Raft Race - the town hopes to see it back in style after missing out last year
Now the Newlyn Harbour Lights Committee is looking to bring the event back in style and raise the remaining £5,000 needed towards the £8,000 total.

Committee chair Marcia Bell was disappointed the 2012 event failed to go ahead but has high hopes for this year's race on Sunday, August 4. "The raft race is a wonderful family day out," she said. "It was such a shame that it couldn't go ahead – it's the biggest fundraiser of the year. "It's a huge day. Without the raft race we wouldn't be able to go ahead."

Mrs Bell and her team have big plans for 2013, with stalls, a live music and a barbecue on offer. "We have taken it on and we are organising it better," she said. This year individuals can pay for a specific bulb, which in turn would see that person's name on a board.

If you would like to enter the race, run a stall or help out, call Mrs Bell on 07506 701336.

Friday 28 June 2013

Fabulous Fishy Friday

Keeping your head above water, the market was full of top drawer inshore fish this morning like these JDs...

Rye registered scalloper, Braveheart landed this morning...

a foreigner from Brixham on the end of the quay...

take me home...

raven coloured boat...

one or two tupperware jobs in the harbour...

witha new notice up this year to limit the number of berths available on the pontoon berths for pleasure craft...

a whelking we will go...

maybe one of the local fish companies might be interested in sponsoring our local rugby hereos?...

some interesting works...

up for auction...

in the forthcoming...

David Lays piucture sale.