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Monday 27 May 2013

Cod quota cut scandal - how did it come to this?!

"I see that all the Under 10's fishing in area 7D have had the cod quota cut from 50kg per month to zero. How can anyone survive in this industry anymore is beyond me. The 50kg they had was only worth about £100 to start with. Yet more proof that zero disgards cannot work (especially in a mixed fishery). Steve"

We don't know Steve, but we do know this has got to stop! A quota of 50Kg per boat per month in the same area where French vessels cannot even catch their quota is patently insane!

12,000 miles between us! - seems the issues are global!

This is our families fishing history, we are 4th and 5th generations of commercial fishing. We are very proud of our heritage and wish the Govt would be as concerned as we are as to the direction fishing is heading and to the Australian Fish Management Authority who is failing to manage the industry correctly.

'The Pipe' was set for general cinema release on 3rd December 2010 at cinemas nationwide. See www.thepipethefilm.com for details or keep in touch via Facebook: The Pipe The Film

Then you read this!

Dear Ireland, the World's greed for oil has now reached my small village in New Zealand... we have been sold out by our Government, our meager standard of living off the sea will be compromised. We have had our very own Navy and Air Force against us and my cousin arrested by the Police for fishing in our tribal fishing grounds. I will watch your movie as heart breaking as it looks - but know you this Ireland, you are not alone in the fight to stop
Te Kaha, Aotearoa - New Zealand

Saturday 25 May 2013

National disgrace! - something has gone seriously wrong for UK fishermen!

t's unbelievable that the UK fishing fleet is decreasing rapidly when fleets of foreign boats like these are allowed to fish in the seas around the Uk.These photos are send by a fishing skipper on a oil job West Shetland .He has no other choice but to do oil work or tie boat up because of the lack of quota.The boats beside him are Norwegian they are probably catching more fish in a haul than our boats are allowed to catch in a month if not alot longer !!Its about time our government was standing up more for the fishing industry in this country !!

  • Realfishfight SOFC Gabriel l fish in the Norwegian sector with a 24 metre boat .Around me would be at the most 10 other UK boats .It seems to me what we get out other countries waters compared to what advantages we get fishing in theres is totally out of balance . l suppose we have Ted Health to thank for giving away control of our own waters to the EU.
    Like · Reply · 1 · 3 minutes ago
  • Eugene Rutter And it makes me sick that this ship who fished more sustainably than anyone with hooks. And has to watch it all happening because someone with his head up his arse decided line fishing on the scale we did it wasn't sustainable. Have you Peter Bruce John Clark and the others who give opinions on here anything to say about that. At least you can fish if if wasn't for the SFF to whom we pay our dues we would not have a ship and for that I am eternally grateful.
  • Eugene Rutter Glad to see you pointing out the Norwegians. The spaniards are not the only ones, at least some of them have a British licence and they don't catch nothing like that vessel does.
    Like · Reply · 13 minutes ago via mobile
  • Gabriel Tracy the government should stand up for uk fleet but do the uk fleet fish in other waters outside the uk waters i think they do so cant have one rule for one and another for everyone else if this is what the uk fleet want then they need to stay in uk waters only

Realfshfightsofc and the Budding Rose on the Scottish TV news

Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall sails on the Budding Rose to see for himself measures that fishermen have put in place to help cod stocks recover and to cut discards .

Friday 24 May 2013

Scowling skies

What you might call a menacing cloud formation glaring down on the Mount first thing this morning...

slightly less sinister after a few minutes...

before the Mount was picked out by the morning rays...

and the light changed so quickly...

on the market the haddock stared skywards..

while the soles were piled high...

there are signs the beam trawlers are moving further north near the prawn grounds NE of the Scillies... 

always a favourite with the Trevessa...

fresh as they come, the very best in inshore turbot, monk and brill...

all get the new electronic measuring board treatment...

yet more big cod on the ground...

and even more of those langoustine...

the full kit...

one of the Nowell fleet, the Karen N up on the slip...

while the Louisa N lays next to the Elizabeth N after being towed in last night...

regular visitor the tug Taktow...

and a catamaran survey boat on passage...

snap up some fishing nets for sale, monk/turbot/ray nets rigged ready to fish...

condolences and thoughts with Billy Bunn (ex-Keriolet) and family after father Ramon passed away last week.


Is this yet another story covering how the fishermen of Scotland, England, Ireland or Wales feel about the treatment they receive from the media and big green organisations like Greenpeace?

"In recent weeks we have seen with awe on television angrily attacking various characters extraordinary fishery management measures recently enacted by the Ministry of Production. I say surprise because I never  had media put so much attention to the fisheries sector.  How can these characters, some illustrious unknown, other recent graduates of "experts" in fishing, whether for weeks across all channels-including several times in the same program, with the same song? It makes me much to think about. Why all the noise? Because fish have lost control and Fisheries Ministry had always."

Fishing at the mercy of the media - time for fisheries leaders to fight back

Port of Ilo. Artisanal fishermen said No! to the exploitation of hydrocarbons 
By Machaca Toribio. Defense Marina.

These in turn one by one were refuted by artisanal fishermen. Exhibitors persuaded at all times with the argument "not consulted before now if they are informed consultation" "There royalties" "There will be Canon" "There will be scholarships, training of fishermen" "There will be environmental impact studies." "The undertaking operating oil should listen and cater to fishermen. "
Artisanal fishermen at all times showed your interest by answering exhibitors explanations but they had to wait their turn at the end.

"WE ARE NOT IGNORANT". - Representative of the divers with so much insistence on returning exhibitors to come and explain the issue of hydrocarbon exploration and even said "We are not ignorant. We do not need further explanation. We understand all that we have said. The exploitation of hydrocarbons going into our fishing grounds. "

"IF WE ARE GOING TO BE MEMBERS MAY BE". - Representative bolichitos hinted that the exploitation of mines, oil all is for foreign companies. In Peru only give alms. "In our work area we protect artisanal fishermen" Jokingly indicated "If we are to be partners could be"

At the insistence of artisanal "Where are the authorities in the region. They should be here to listen to the voice of the fishermen "The representative of Energy and MinesRegionMoquegua, Who was going completely unnoticed. He said "Gentlemen I am here very early before anyone had arrived" On the subject of the exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbons compared to the regions of Arequipa, Moquegua and Tacna said "I understand them. You artisanal fishermen are directly involved in this issue. If considered to be affected should provide more information PERUPETRO absolving the concerns of fishermen.

 Defense Marina. - "Lords of PERUPETRO you are listening to fishermen. You said "other activity can not stand" I took his word. Artisanal fishermen are saying that only the sea off Arequipa, Ilo and Tacna is a fishing area and not going to accept that it is a oil zone. Another activity can not stand. Today in southern Peru are 8,000 fishermen in1015, 20 years will be 20,000. An oil platform it support to 20,000 families?

You have to understand artisanal fishermen. All we are asking for is justice. They work in a sea maimed have not200 miles. They protect the5 miles marine as a breeding resource. They fought with the flour industry. But work all year in the remainder of the200 miles. After capturing the shark summer, later this fall began to catch squid. The bolichitos go beyond the50 milesto find the beautiful horse mackerel, mackerel when.Quite early summer working with the parrot. Artisanal fishermen protect their resources.Not capture a single resource to exhaustion. They left fallow species they catch.

What a bad luck! Now comes PERU PETRO to tell the fishermen that will endanger its activity with the risks that exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbons. Understand you to fishing. You do not waste time. The southern area of ​​Peru with its sea maimed is a fishing area and not an oil zone. You just like PERUPETRO workers are allies of artisanal fisheries understanding their just demand and concern "

FACT laughable. - After explaining the speaker on far enough away that it was the lot of maritime delimitation Z60 with Chile. When explained that oil flows, migrated according to the type of bedrock. Among the attendees fishermen. Among murmurs and laughter demonstrating "Right now we will probably start saying also goes for chili oil"

Check out the artisnal fishermen's web site here! - and make use of Google to translate it for you in the Chrome browser!

Just another day at the office for Peter and the boys on the Budding Rose and Lapwing pair team with Great British Chef HFW on board!

The North Sea 50 miles SE of Lerwick yesterday.

Looking towards the Budding Rose, pair team partner to the Lapwing from which this picture was taken. Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall and his two TV film crews from Keo Films chose the to very challenging days in their desire to see the great cod dilemma faced by skippers like Peter Bruce.

Hopefully, HFW having seen and experienced at first hand the dilemma and conditions in which these boats operate will now play his part in giving a much more balanced and less sensationalist view of the industry.

A few weeks ago the Great British Chefs web site produced an infographic on cod that caught the attention of SOFC Real Fish Fighters - with out of date and inaccurate figures the infographic did little to highlight the fact that there is no over-fishing of the grounds in the North Sea, quite the opposite with such huge reductions in catching capacity.

Through the Gaps took the trouble to contact the Great British Chefs team and provide much needed up-to-date information as to how the North Sea was being fished today.  As a result TtGaps was invited to respond with a blog post - and has now been invited aboard as a guest blogger on the team!

The full post can be read here:
